Saturday, June 22, 2002

today is a special special day. my forever-buddy's getting married today, and i am the best man. first time for me too... i'm really really excited at making that speech! get chance to kutuk the guy in front of 600 people, heh heh heh!!! wish me luck.... i'm not even preparing a speech, just gonna spout whatever's in mind. there IS an agenda though - we're trying to get key people drunk so it will be much more merrier... or that tongues become looser after a few... mmm.... devious, devious.

gonna be a great day!

i'm growing hair... does that mean i'm finally growing up as well? ; )

hungry hungry - i crave this morning for my beef noodles which they have at the coffeeshops one minute's walk away. soon, soon. and a cuppa hot teh to kick-start the day. YEAH!
