Thursday, May 29, 2003

hi dudes and dudettes!

can't wait to get some makan... greasy noodles (as some Americans put it) again i suppose. highlight of the week: jetting off to Kuching tonite! my buddy Gab is getting married, ceremonially. he's already been wedded officially / at the Registry. but in the eyes of society, he gotta do the whole ceremony and dinner gang-bang. and so off i go! hehehe his folks are gonna get shock cos i'm gonna turn up in one of those Indian kurta's or whatever u call em. we gonna rock the party with some bhangra, dude... mmm, where to get the CD with such short notice, ah.

and so for the weekend i shall be taking a breather. jeez i need to get my head cleared. relax, bring my blood pressure down (definitely need that) and not think about making ends meet for one weekend. love it love it love it. wearing new clothes, new shoes, new scenery, fresh air (i think! shud be better than KL). keep u posted on the action!

breakfast time! c yaaaaa


Monday, May 26, 2003

movie quote time:
in The Matrix: ..follow the white rabbit...
in The Sweetest Thing: .. oooh fuck the purple elephant...

what's all this animal action going around in Hollywood laarrrrr...

oh have u caught the 'Your Penis is So Big' Hindi-style segment which u only get on the DVD ; ) --- damn it cracks me up EVERY time i see it, think i'll do it again tonight. just the thing to perk up another shitty pointless day. i can identify with those Nepalese chappies who just sit and hang around the mountains all day waiting for visions of Buddha. hey Nepal tours at only RM1500 or so. maybe try one this year while the SARS paranoia is going on.

i vote The Sweetest Thing the best movie in my collection. ok lah, maybe tied with the Kevin Smith movies, and The Matrix...

eh i'm bored. anyone wanna call me and drop me encouraging words?

hungry now. damn i'm having a headache wondering what to eat. it's like, same shit different day, every day. like, last nite, resorting to eating nasi lemak bungkus while driving around Kg Baru with Sweet Daffy. damn can't find the way to the Roses Restaurant, the one with the superb nasi lemak. anyone with directions, please leave em here.

makan time! take care and goodnites.