No 643. there is actually hope, that there is someone who reads this blog.
i am full of spontaneity. tonight i just thought i'd get myself a DVD player. and now i have one, sitting alongside my well-worn and utilised Panasonic VCD player. gone are the days of having to get up mid-way to plop in disc 2. a bummer though - my Austin Powers, The Spy Who Shagged Me, does not work. damn. really spoilt the whole evening. it skips and jams somewhere around the Jerry Springer-Dr Evil-Scott Evil scene. damn, just when things heat up.
one thing to watch out for in these cheapo Made-In-China electrical equipment - they leak electricity. i found out the hard way, when plugging in the many cables. plus it seems to emit a lot of heat for a player that consumes 30 watts. and don't China-made products
have a tendency to blow up as well??? please do keep me informed of any real cases.
latest habit then - DVD shopping! lemme see - the 2 Austin Powers movies (let's not include Goldmember, don't feel like one of em cinema-copies where we get to see the silhouettes of people coming into the cinema late, as well as the toilet-goers), 2001,2010, and was there ever a 3010? i think there was but can't recall for sure. the guy at the stall the other day was trying to push a 3- and 5- hour porn DVD. now... THAT will be a cure for insomnia!!! jeeezzzz how much of the missionary can we take?
gonna catch my zz's now... have a great Monday!