Thursday, July 31, 2003

the main thing i noticed today was a lot of people were talking on their phones while driving. no coppers around ah? as it is i've been apprehended twice for doing the same thing and i don't think i learn my lesson!

my buddy Chris, at 7pm, was at the neighbourhood coffee shop, as he was yesterday. *sigh* needs a big kick in butt, resuscitation of senses. maybe i need a kick too.

my evening is packed, doh. going to KLang in a bit, then to Bdr Tun Razak. its a good day i suppose, zipping here and there.

ohhh i've got a block. later ok babies...

my morning:

12am having beer at Kedai Kopi Soon Seng. big hoo haa with my brother Chris. fun. crisis crisis everywhere we look.
01am slopping down noodles at the speed of night, no doubt helped by the alcohol-abetted munchies.
02am safe and sound at home. put in The Quiet American but lost interest after a while. something doesn't gel in the first 15 minutes. wonder what the acclaim was all about.

0830am sunrise and what a task it is.
0845am crappy talkshow on TV3. put in Groove Armada and rock the house. what a pick me up. nothing like Superstylin' and Fogma to wake those sleepy grey cells...watcha bum bum...
1000am in here to face yet another day. yippee. at least there'll be a substantial amount of time spent outdoors.

see yaaaa

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

what i do first thing in the morning:
1. pee
2. switch telly on, TV3 usually
3. hope it's not dull talk-show.
4. today it was Noddy and also that cartoon based on the 4WD Tamiya cars. the little ones all the 7-year-olds play with in shopping centres. this show is somehow attractive, must be because there's so much movement and running about and dialogue in it.
5. finally shower and get dressed. i find ironing a pleasure in the mornings, objective being to get all the creases out.
6. on way out, i water the plants, checking on my faves - the cili padi, the papaya, and the mango tree. Cili plant looks like it's going to have a bumper season. yummy.

and after item (6) it's all a haze as i meander through the motions of being in a capitalist society.

engrossed in reading Stupid White Men now (hey how many books can i be involved in at one time??!!) and it's really good! lots of truths we don't get to read in the mainstream media. or it could all be fictitious. who ever knows.

was involved in a very serious discussion last night about the merits and demerits of Matrix and Matrix Reloaded, and their parallels with the Star Wars movies (the middle trilogy), and developments in science fiction movies since 2001: A Space Oddysey. wonderful. beginning to like Broadwalk more and more - that's the place in Phileo Damansara I. where everyone (else) knows the lyrics to 'You'll Never Walk Alone'. i don't.

see yaaa

Monday, July 28, 2003

wah lau this evening's traffic was horrendous. two hours on the road. think i'll get a bicycle. or walk. or rollerblade. always wanted to do that but somehow never got down to getting a pair and zipping around. faster than jogging and i do love speed...

dinner time is nigh! same shit different day. curry laksa should be good for the palate.

and i shall settle down to reading again. in the middle of this one called Black House by Stephen King & Peter Straub. interesting but can't keep my eyes open. and the black cover scares me.

goodnight y'all!