let me tell you about my trip to the jungle. after Sunday, give me a cemented path, anytime.
130-odd people set off. lesser yet finished the course. took my team six-and-a-half hours to go up that 300m hill and back down again. shit. look at the scratches. worse, my legs are threatening to leave my body. aiyo... should've kept fit lah. pity didn't have time to catch the sights and sounds of Nature - all on my mind was, when is this all going to end, and, focussing on going on (no retreat, no surrender was the battle-cry!).
today Friday. my legs still ache. sob sob. enough is enough. lost about 3kgs in the process too, u know. har har!!!
maybe i'm just a sadist and like the pain and agony. i said to my darling, I'm NOT going to sign up for next year's event, and she replied, but of course you are... har har har!!! yes i most probably will... mind over matter, mateys.
see ya all and have excellent weekend.
love n peace
Keep calm and be informed
Keep calm and be informed
Sunday, 02 Feb 2020
By Marina Mahathir
*The disease that is spreading faster than the novel coronavirus is a
mental and e...