Thursday, December 04, 2003

finished Hero a while ago. hmm.. i think the movie held more promise than in its final form. maybe it's the language problem (no comprehende mandarin) and the subtitles erratic. ah well for an action movie - there was lots of that. too many twists and turns though to the conclusion... blur blur.

time for supper-lah... where shall i go to eh... came back to the office to use the net for a bit and waste time. managed to do my accounts, for last month :( malas, malas. damn, some teh tarik sounds good. let's see where shall we go... join me?

was watching HERO last nite / this morning. sword-fighting movies can be soo fun, eh. this one brings back memories of old classics. anyone out there remember one called 'Iron Butterfly' or something like that? i think it was real violent and dark... i was maybe about 5 years old or perhaps younger, but it impressed me til now. cun.

just something about all those stylish swordfights, flying around, aerial acrobatics, that's just so attention-grabbing. of course we gotta leave our brains at the door lah, put on our Suspension-of-Disbelief module, and enjoyyyy...

but fell asleep watching Hero la, too tired. doing too much of that, dozing off with the telly on. help!

it's been productive so far... met a customer, chit chat over roti bom and teh, new leads, that sorta thing la. then proceeded to Dewi Corner Bangsar for a very late lunch. this seems like my usual spot now already... quality is overall good so it wins some points. first time eating rawa thosai and found it good - i always some extra flavours in the food and the curry leaves, chilli and onions did the trick. yummy. two thumbs up!

my fone is in the car, which means i'll have to go off soon to retrieve it - good excuse to go off and hang out somewhere else eh ;) damn friggin' rain... or i'll go to the pasar malam. ah well, see how it goes lah. let's hope no-one important calls me at this time.

well then... think i better get down to some serious shit. take care, and wishing ya all the smiles in the world...

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

just in case u wanna know, here's the inspiration for me to start my blog.
Sipping ma' green tea and it's so heavenly soothing. good start to my day i suppose.

last nite was pretty alright. raining and raining and raining, where does all this water come from???! well, braving the rain, we ended up in Dreamz after a long break from the joint. had a coupla drinks, shared some laffs, entertained my very drunk mate (who i think was at the stage where it didnt matter if it was male or female as long as he could get some!). supper followed by dozing off in front of the TV... pathetic.

gonna get some work done now... will put more later. registered for Phlogger via SMS but not sure how to carry on from there. help needed!

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

wasn't it simply excellent this morning? it started raining about 5 am i think, and i was asleep in front of the telly as usual. brushed my teeth to get rid of all those Chachos bits (TWO packs at one go, a record or what) struggled to pull myself to bed and blissfully KO'd til about 9am (isn't that a sin!). rushed thru the morning, now think i'll take it easy and go for some nasi lemak and teh tarik...

Monday, December 01, 2003

i know when my rekindled love of hip hop roots came from - i was listening to this song on the radio by Youngbloodz, and i thought, hey i haven't heard these sorta stripped-to-the-bone beats since... Jam On It! almost the same i must say. it's all about the sampling...
daffy says there's too many 'ex' stories in my blog of late. it's The Case of The Ex, as in the song (was there such a song title? i think so).

monday... wasting time with my arse on this seat since 10.30am. in 3 hours i've achieved... nothing. i wish i did. perhaps there's a way to make some dosh from surfing? hmmm...

think i'll go and sit at some cool restaurant and watch life pass by. recently i've been hangin at Dewi's Corner Bangsar, especially during Raya when all the other warungs were shut. nice thosai yeah... and the friendliest cashier which is a change.

ok then back to work i go...

Sunday, November 30, 2003

i sit here in the office on a sunday, 2pm, and i think i've got lotsa better stuff to do. been ignoring calls on my phone (dont wanna talk to the caller). in the few short hours i've been awake, i've been so many things - disoriented, confused, hungry, stressed, worried, happy, lost. is this any way to start a day, i wonder.

and yet, the solutions to whatever problems in my head are just at my fingertips, literally. *sigh* i'm the forever-headbanger, constantly mental-masturbating and procrastinating, that moving forward doesn't happen often. *sigh again*

my impending escape from capitalist society is not forthcoming... how to get away from its evil grip, i wonder. any suggestions??? please list, ok, thanks.

nothing like a trip to the bookstore to put things into perspective, eh ; )

what a contradiction. shit.