this week there's a permanent fog around my brains. it's the fermented stuff, i tell u.
time. while watching Animatrix, this concept suddenly popped into my head. i was wondering, that concept was created by man (the Grecians, probably) to explain the concept of the passing moments. which brought me to
O. circle. zero. 'o'. i always love drawing circles. and within its simplicity of form and function, there's great depth and mystery. so fluid it is, a never-ending figure. it could go on forever, as long as 'time' exists. wow. and it's so representative of our very existence. in circles, around and around we go. sometimes along the way we learn some lessons, but often we just get lost and get back to the beginning. which could be the end. wow. full circle.
circles intrigue me.
Keep calm and be informed
Keep calm and be informed
Sunday, 02 Feb 2020
By Marina Mahathir
*The disease that is spreading faster than the novel coronavirus is a
mental and e...