hey it's Friday.
me and my mates are off to this place called Dreamz in DU, it's a pub on the first floor, but it's got good music and cold beer, what more could a dude ask for. and last Friday... phew! Azman Warren performed some great classics lah. our hair collectively stood when he played Child In Time and Stairway to Heaven. now here's a good performer who's paid his dues and deserves some of the limelight. hey, the place got our attention til four in the morning, so some magic must have transpired.
so, mateys, more of the same tonight, even more so as we gather more dudes to pop by... yippee!
i'm beginning to dig this futsal thing. was at Sports Barn on Mon nite, and eventually got the hang of the game. i'm one wannabe, got boots and all, but just for the looks only...! now i actually look forward to the next game! what a workout it was... feels good lah!
dinner awaits me! authentic nasi padang, here we come!
Keep calm and be informed
Keep calm and be informed
Sunday, 02 Feb 2020
By Marina Mahathir
*The disease that is spreading faster than the novel coronavirus is a
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