Wednesday, April 24, 2002

The loveliest things in life come in small packages.

I know this 7-year old, his name's Aiman. I've got his picture in my wallet, where we'd usually find girlfriends' or wives' pictures. He's about 3 feet tall, has about the biggest smile anyone ever saw, and the greatest optimism and dose of happiness in anyone i ever met. Some of it might have been acquired from his mama. But God played a big part in making Aiman the lovely human being that he is.

I believe some of us discover the secrets to living earlier than others. This is one kid who was probably born with it, if we were to believe his mother. I met him about six months ago, and took an instant liking. I mean, what's there not to like? We became instant friends. Just like all who've met him and love him. I mean, everyone, in fact, without exception.

There is so much that I've learnt from him. The ability to share love. How to let the child in us out. Hey, we can't be forever be bitching about how life is so frigging bad, right. We gotta play sometime. All work and no play... How we need to goof off sometime. The little things we take for granted, like friendship... I love the way his eyes shine when I meet him. Now THAT's genuine.

For the good and the bad, dearest Aiman, do stay the beautiful person that you are. However tough the challenges might be, however difficult life may seem at times, always hold tight to the principles you possess now, and they will carry you through - Love, Intelligence, Empathy, Understanding, Caring.

Happy birthday, sweet Aiman. Thank you, Husna and Aiman, for letting me into your space. I will see you soon.

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