Thursday, July 31, 2003

my morning:

12am having beer at Kedai Kopi Soon Seng. big hoo haa with my brother Chris. fun. crisis crisis everywhere we look.
01am slopping down noodles at the speed of night, no doubt helped by the alcohol-abetted munchies.
02am safe and sound at home. put in The Quiet American but lost interest after a while. something doesn't gel in the first 15 minutes. wonder what the acclaim was all about.

0830am sunrise and what a task it is.
0845am crappy talkshow on TV3. put in Groove Armada and rock the house. what a pick me up. nothing like Superstylin' and Fogma to wake those sleepy grey cells...watcha bum bum...
1000am in here to face yet another day. yippee. at least there'll be a substantial amount of time spent outdoors.

see yaaaa

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