Sunday, November 30, 2003

i sit here in the office on a sunday, 2pm, and i think i've got lotsa better stuff to do. been ignoring calls on my phone (dont wanna talk to the caller). in the few short hours i've been awake, i've been so many things - disoriented, confused, hungry, stressed, worried, happy, lost. is this any way to start a day, i wonder.

and yet, the solutions to whatever problems in my head are just at my fingertips, literally. *sigh* i'm the forever-headbanger, constantly mental-masturbating and procrastinating, that moving forward doesn't happen often. *sigh again*

my impending escape from capitalist society is not forthcoming... how to get away from its evil grip, i wonder. any suggestions??? please list, ok, thanks.

nothing like a trip to the bookstore to put things into perspective, eh ; )

what a contradiction. shit.

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