Tuesday, January 13, 2004

so much crap going on about Air Asia.. poor chaps being bullied by the political machinery. i'm an Air Asia fan. i've tolerated massive flight delays, techical problems and all that jazz, but still i will pay to fly with them, and i've scheduled at least 2 flights with them this year. World Rainforest Music Festival, anyone, heh heh ; )

they make up for it with good customer service (hey the employees actually smile and make chit-chat, ok; try that with MAS...), and the main puller being the cheaper fares. so please will the party-poopers out there - just shut up and carry on with fair business okay. as it goes, all's fair in love and war.

was reading with some humour this morning's paper about two 70-year-olds who chatted on the internet, lied about their ages ("hi, i'm 50") then sent their kids for their rendezvous. no doubt it all came out in the open. and despite the deception, they're getting married. melting hearts first thing in the morning.

anyone out there with stories like that to re-instil romance in our worn-out lives?

have a nice day, yah.

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