see lahh... its been so long since i've accessed my blog, now i know how easy it is to put pics on. last time so susah oh, have to store on some other site, then point it over, u know the drill, all that html was driving me nuts...
hey hey where've i been ... i suppose life has been happening. isn't it amazing how our simple everyday activities can just take up days, weeks, months, and years? i suppose its important to keep in control, manage, and maintain priorities. never works for me. sigh.
pic above was taken in Kuala Trengganu.. was in perhentian for a few days, cherrylove and i, admiring nature, aquatic life and the such. i will, as always, have my gripes about the state of our environment, but for now, i'll save it for another day. some days are just too nice for stuff like that.
while waiting for the flight back, the hours were spent sauntering all over the old market... have u been there? its a pretty nice place, reminiscent of the markets back home - think about pj old town market, and central market in its heyday. u know, products everywhere, wet stinky floors (though the KT one's pretty clean - we must've missed the messy parts), little shops selling everything, and not forgetting the food-stalls on the first floor. nice place to wander and find a gem or two.
then, by the sea-front, we're accosted by this wonderful sunset... wowzers, it's a reminder of god's wondrous creation, the beauty and magnificence and energy, the irradiating colours of a sunset. simple yet profound. wow.
phew. am actually tired after working that brain o' mine writing this. til next time then...