Sunday, July 19, 2009
it's been the worst 2 weeks of my life.
what can i say. from the euphoria and happiness that was the arrival of Kim.
to the depths that we've gone to following her return to the arms of the good lord who, we would like to believe, 'loaned' her to us for the past two lovely months.
this IS the ultimate high and ensuing low.
unfortunately, we must live on.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
another pic of Kim and i...
today is the day we all head for home, so it's pretty exciting. did a little cleaning up and furniture rearranging to cater for the lil' one.
speaking of home, it was on the evening news! to be specific, the shophouses leading to my place.
when i was driving away earlier, i saw a bunch of cops (with guns) together with a lot of people, so my first thought was that someone had gotten drunk and killed his wife or something domestic like that.
apparently, loan-sharks had been using an apartment to lock up their debtors, basically kidnap and imprisonment, to get their debtors' family members to pay up. gruesome, right outta a movie, but true...
that area i live in now is like the Wild Wild West of this 'First-World' country we live in, y'all...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sleeping Angel...

the first two nights she came home with us was just so kelam-kabut! totally clueless as to what to do and when, and even to this day we have no idea what she is crying for.
luckily we have come up with a simple checklist to clear the confusion, tension, and headache:
1. check diaper for any 'accident' - if Yes then change;
2. if still making noise - give milk, burp, repeat (1) in case of any 'leakage' ;)
3. quickly put baby back to sleep so we can go back to the latest episode of 24.
senang je, parenthood : )
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
our little princess...

she arrived into our world on the 2nd of May 2009 and things have not been the same since.
the reality of it has yet to hit me even though we had about 9 months to let it digest, but when the baby finally does get delivered - POW!!! it's a different game altogether now.
her name's Kimberly and in that photo she's having her suntan for the jaundice which afflicts most babies. trick is for expectant mommas to drink fresh coconut juice a coupla weeks before delivery. it worked for us to some extent.
so, it's been a week and a half of:
(almost) 24-hour wakefulness
diaper-changing (or the observation of, more like, there's enough women in the house to do the dirty job)
crying, farting, shitting, feeding, bottle-washing, bottle sterilizing
and trying to figure out what baby wants when she starts to cry!
it's a great experience being a dad, now i've got to put in some effort to learn all those nursery rhymes again! : )
for more photos, go here
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Let's save Chuck!
seems there's a campaign to save Chuck the tv series - it's showing on Astro i believe.
for those of you following this great series, the last episode ( season 2 episode 22, this should be the season-end cliffhanger! ) was just superb, because.... taa daa daa... ok lah i can't put the spoiler here for those who haven't caught it yet.
the series has loads going for it - it's a fresh take on the spy vs spy vs bad guys genre, and it's got EVERYTHING in it - romance, flesh, girl-on-girl, boy-on-boy (you get my drift, no?), guns, hi-tech, gadgets, bombs, car chases, humour, slackers, et al.
loved it since the first day i brought back the S1 box set and finished it in one or two nights!
so please, US network, bring chuck back for more... and more... and much more...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
it's getting hot in here...
no, let's not take off all our clothes : p
yeah we know the weather, being all hot and humid, is affecting some of us. people get cranky, get heated up, and take it out on others. such is the frailty of the human condition.
me? i think i'll go for a dip in the pool tomorrow afternoon : )
( again, how do i put smileys up here? do i have to link to an image-hosting site? )
watching the documentary Farenheit 9/11 - it's sad and tragic, and also a reminder of all that is wrong with the world, when politics, power, business, and money-making merge together to bring the Devil to us. i suppose we don't have to look too far beyond our own borders to see this sorta thing happening : p
Friday, April 24, 2009
almost here but not just yet...
it was drama of the highest order at 5am. as usual i had gone to sleep at 2am or so, and so i was very much in deep sleep when daffodil called out my name and said, "errr i think baby's on its way."
did a quick check on the internet and the books we have, and decided that it was a false alarm :p
so, dear baby, you have about two weeks to go... whenever you please, yah! but better on weekends and on week-day nights when we have less traffic and your ob-gyn won't be stuck in his clinic!
and choosing a baby name is the most difficult part of the whole process, i tell ya. poring over the internet and books, plus just throwing out random names in the air. not to mention all the suggestions that people like my mum and sis provide... i have my own ideas but to keep the peace, i'll let the mother of the baby choose the name hahaha.
urrggghhh... humans aren't made to work the long hours that we usually put in.
the ideal work-day would be like that in an pre-industrial agricultural society, which would be something like this:
0600 Time to wake up at sunrise
0630 Feed chickens, water and fertilize veggies, plant new seedlings
0700 Breakfast of freshly laid eggs and home-baked bread
0830 Meet neighbours at local coffee-shop for some gossip
1000 - 1500 Lunch and siesta, this would be the heavenly part!
1530 Pick ripe veggies, slaughter chicken, wait for wholesaler to pick up, or barter for fish with your neighbour who's got a fish farm
1800 Time to pack it in and catch up with all those episodes of Dexter and Desperate Housewives.
Now, the scenario above is adapted from real-life situations so i know it's possible. oh darn i think i know some people who run their own farms.
My typical work-day in this mad city isn't that far removed except that we don't rear chicken and plant veggies lah! DBKL will saman laaa...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
was just reading about this guy today in the papers ( yeah, i tend to read them one day later, built-in procrastination mechanism ).
not only is he irritating and arrogant ( and sometimes humourous, if we are to believe the rumours of the cosmetic work done by the guy ), but apparently he stuck his fingers too deep into the pie this time...
errr... if we wanted to study good urban systems, management styles, development, water features, and canal development, mmmm, we don't have to go to AMERICA ( yes we malaysians still suffer from some post-colonial disorders, whitey knows best blah blah blah ), we've just to cross the Causeway to check out our southern neighbours, the brilliant SINGAPORE ( whom we like to poke fun and criticize, probably due to the aforementioned mental disorder and possibly out of subconscious jealousy ).
they have had massive billion-dollar river rehabilitation and development ( e.g. Clarke and Boat Quays ), and their rivers don't smell like drains anymore, and can even support riverine transport systems - oh i'd love to sail down the Klang River one day from Midvalley to Port Klang : )
i think we don't have to emulate whitey anymore ( yo dude, wassup witchya attitude, homeboyyyy ), not when whitey's perpetually Looking East as well.
instead of a million-dollar study trip, i think an entourage of government servants taking the bus to SG will only cost RM160 * 50 persons, for example, will only come up to RM8,000. There'd be change for a good dinner too for you wankers.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
daffodil and i will only be having french fries (oven-baked, not deep-fried) for dinner. ate too much today already... more on that later. fries + chilli sauce + mayo, delicious! serve it up!
Dateline: Selangor, Midnight, Sunday the 19th of April, 2009
traditionally it's the start of the all-nighter telly session. right now it's a crappy Bond movie on TV2, with Pierce Brosnan. so yawny compared to Daniel Craig's hardcore version. nothing like blood guts and glory eh!
my guess is it will be more episodes of Life...
my arse is getting cramped from sitting up and typing, so it's time to lie down on this super-comfy couch and get acquainted with the remote control... yes yes ohhhh yes... : p
Friday, April 17, 2009
ITIS not meant to be...
we all know how frustrating government-related websites but this makes me laugh this morning.
i need to find out how traffic is to town so i check out expectedly the result:
or video never found! a few years ago i checked this site out too and it had similar results. don't they know of service and repair? this supposed cam position is about 3 minutes away from their office so what's their excuse? oh, and this result appears on all the other cam positions i clicked on.
and this site is advertised everywhere on those electronic signboards on our roads to enable us to plan our journey.
another money-wasting institution...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
like that pic? it's at Tanjung Aru beach in Kota Kinabalu. i think i hang out here more often than Port Dickson, which is a thousand kms closer.
nice place to hang out, drink coconut water, and eat chicken wings. other food is average or below average. it's breezy and nice to see people hang around and have fun by the sea. water looks dodgy but there are those who play in it... mesti gatal after mandi!
those who live by the sea will never understand us city folk's fascination with going to the ocean and taking in the vast expanse that the horizon over water affords... aaahhh...sigh...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
do me a favour - i'm trying out the Google Adsense feature where we get paid for clicking on ads.
i know, i hate clicking on online ads, but i tried a couple and they're OK, cos they are targetted ads. so if i write about 'Kota Kinabalu', then there'll be ads from hotels in KK and the such. useful, right? so - thank you for the favour : )
speaking of kota kinabalu - i'll be there again in June (yayyyyy!) cos we're bringing our newborn to visit the family there. yippeee! maybe i'll hang around in KK for a night to catch up with friends.
back to watching Life... a good series, tell you more about it later.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
aaahhhh... sundays are always remarkable. after a decent night's sleep (which consisted of falling asleep mid-way through a Prison Break episode), to awaken to a chorus of chirping birds, laughing kids, and families off to do their sunday thang, can only serve to charge the spirit in so many ways.
THEN i got down to business of devouring episode after episode of Prison Break Season Four. man, these tv networks are really milking the idea dry. how many times in a season can the characters escape from one cell after another??? this is serious houdini shite, y'all.
it's getting repetitive but at the same time, ridiculously addictive! what is it with watching michael, lincoln and gang, season after season, doing the same thing over and over again, mainly getting into trouble, then getting out of it, then finding another shit-hole to jump right in. dudes! be like the rest of the criminals, run to thailand and that would be the end of it. full-stop.
went for dinner at this place called Ayam Penyet Ria (took a brochure home to show off as you can see). Food is delicious, with our faves being the fried chicken and the brinjal. everything's good there, including the gado-gado, soto ayam and pecel.
Sadly haven't been able to try out their Bakso which is either perpetually sold out or has been struck off the menu. sigh.
only thing is i've had better es teler but it goes well with the meal. wish they'd put in the avocado, that would've made all the difference to a good dessert.
for those of you wanting to try some indonesian food, the map is below. it's easy, sunway mentari, opposite sunway pyramid. syokkkkk! i think the indon students living around there make it their regular dining place : )
(still trying to make sense of posting pics on blogger...)
just read this about turning your lights off or leaving them on when you move about your home. so it seems it's better to flick em on and off often, use less electricity and all that. only thing is it will shorten your appliance's life-span, obviously.
doing my bit for the planet : )
definitely will make more long-term sense than the over-hyped "Earth Day" event which looked more like a money-making and publicity stunt than anything else.
so, for one hour, we will participate. then for the rest of our aimless lives, we throw rubbish out our cars, we spit wantonly, deposit chewing gum anywhere we want to (god some landed on my head just tonight! mo-fos! i will get you!), leave our soiled baby diapers by the pool (if you know where i live, do tread carefully...), and the list just goes on and on and on and on.
sadly, i'm no recycling angel either : ( i feel guilt every time i take out the trash. really i do.
speaking of which, whatever happened to those recycling bins that appeared for a while all over the place? hmmm... must ask the guy who started that business, you know, where companies place ads on the dustbins (correction, recycling bins). another observation is that malaysians just don't know how to separate their trash into plastic, paper, glass. trash is trash and will go anywhere we please, thank you.
oh me oh my, environmental issues do get me all boiled up....
Saturday, April 11, 2009
hey i'm back!
where we been huh... well for one, we made a baby :) so for the past six months or so, it's been shopping, preparing, one doctor's appointment after another... it's like the MAIN EVENT for the year!
baby is on its final run now... in about a month or earlier (!) we shall see how our offspring will look like! am hoping it will be well-behaved lil gurl. hopefully. praying.
apart from that - life is pretty much the same. work, play, hang out, eat, sleep...
more progress reports as we get along! short of time and inspiration now, rushing to get out of the house.