Friday, April 24, 2009

urrggghhh... humans aren't made to work the long hours that we usually put in.

the ideal work-day would be like that in an pre-industrial agricultural society, which would be something like this:

0600 Time to wake up at sunrise

0630 Feed chickens, water and fertilize veggies, plant new seedlings

0700 Breakfast of freshly laid eggs and home-baked bread

0830 Meet neighbours at local coffee-shop for some gossip

1000 - 1500 Lunch and siesta, this would be the heavenly part!

1530 Pick ripe veggies, slaughter chicken, wait for wholesaler to pick up, or barter for fish with your neighbour who's got a fish farm

1800 Time to pack it in and catch up with all those episodes of Dexter and Desperate Housewives.

Now, the scenario above is adapted from real-life situations so i know it's possible. oh darn i think i know some people who run their own farms.

My typical work-day in this mad city isn't that far removed except that we don't rear chicken and plant veggies lah! DBKL will saman laaa...

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