Tuesday, April 09, 2002

hey hey you all... it's a lovely Tuesday isn't it. Up, about, and productive for much of the morning. I'm amazed. Certainly has its benefits, to have my mind and body going for longer periods of time. More to ponder on the state of the country, the universe, and our personal existence.

Given that, looks like my tree-planting is postponed... again. sob sob. Does anyone know, what species of tree would be good? Like, it wont be too tall as to break the roof and disrupt the electricity and phone cables? Something bearing fruit would be nice... my very own home-grown organic fruit... though i'd prefer home-grown organic lallang. I'd go on-and-on about its excellent theurapeutic qualities, healing power for mind, body and soul.

Inhale, exhaaaaaayle....

Lovely day it is. For the very fact that i'm still breathing. That i actually got up in the morning. I read about us Asian males having spontaneous bed-time deaths. Scary thought. At least i'd be dreaming at the time. And that the dream goes on and on and on and on. Like 'Vanilla Sky'? Hmmm. So, all us Asian males - don't stress yourself out. Breathe. Enjoy the simple things in life.


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