Saturday, April 13, 2002

Man, it's time to bitch about the Fuzz again. They have to realize, Respect is earned. Respect is not a given. I mean, there i was making my way home at 1.20am, sleepy as hell, after a friggin long day, after 2-3 drinks (hee hee), and there stands this young punk with a torchlight. YES you doofus i know, your friggin station's been there since friggin CNY. I don't think your stupid comments under your breath means shit to me. Say it to my face, dude. Fuzz do get retribution, you know.

I do have this vision of kicking the shit out of the Fuzz some day. It gives me great pleasure, just thinking of it. I am contradicting myself. Love, Peace and Violence? Hmmm.. Might have had too much inspiration from Malcolm X and his like. Shiver me timbers.

Whatever it was, the Fuzz is always looking in the wrong direction. So here i am home safe and sound. Ready to face another day. Fight the power. Authority and respect - earn it, you fools. Or carry on being the laughing stock, the puppets of those in Power, and those with a measly twenty ringgit to spare. Hah.

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