Thursday, March 20, 2003

the end of the world is nigh! just read on Yahoo News that US struck in Iraq. shitheads. there goes the neighbourhood... expect the US embassy here to be heavily barricaded. but it always is...

front page of the STAR today: Ammonium Nitrate found on oil palm plantation. bomb ingredient, konon. i don't have respect for the police force in general but this is the funniest. dudes: it's fertiliser. okay lah, four tons is a lot. but still - the way it's written, it gave me more laughs than scares. Bush's actions has more conviction, i say. it's a scary world. luckily, in a thermonuclear-warhead-equipped world - we won't have to worry for a long time. it's instantaneous. hehehheee hee hee.

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