listening to Metallica at the moment. reminiscing about how that music and possibly Cypress Hill carried me through the last decade, on those long meaningless drives, those nights of self-destructive behaviour, when nothing meant anything at all. just pure existentialism, live and die for the moment shit. wow. nice nostalgic thoughts.
shift to the present.... here i am at 8.30am at my PC, checking my mail and reading blogs. some work waiting to be done, discussions to be had. this capitalistic activity does have its rewards. but after about 8 years of working, employed and otherwise, where has it led me? i risk getting crushed under a mountain of debts. my beautiful car is gone. i'm hungry.
sometimes the road we take are just not the paths which are our true destiny. mine was probably a little chalet by the beach, cooking burgers while enjoying the breeze. Bob Marley in the background. customers and friends popping by. having a joint occassionally, chilling out while the waves lick my toes in the darkness, with only a million stars to light my journey.
ah well. may i dream some more.
gonna go read the news now. even though it's full of shit but it's nice to know the Americans are finding it tough. take that, you arrogant pricks.
Keep calm and be informed
Keep calm and be informed
Sunday, 02 Feb 2020
By Marina Mahathir
*The disease that is spreading faster than the novel coronavirus is a
mental and e...
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