i'm getting people worried about my blog entries of late. koala - i'm fine lah, it was just that sometimes, things happen which question that which we take for granted. friendship bonds, family, etc. that sort, you know.
i'm questioning the concept of being Malaysian. ok lah its August and all so u think i'm jumping on the Merdeka bandwagon. yeah whatever. how many of us actually define us as Malaysians true and true? hardly. we're so fucking set in our M/C/I/DLL mindsets that the possibility of a one united Malaysia is hard to perceive at this given time.
what we all need to do is to just go procreate with each other. in a few generations, we're all be looking about the same, skin colour, features and all. that process began a long time ago and it has seemingly accelerated in our time.
why is there a need to reinforce all these stereotypes we have of each other all the time? why must we cement our mindsets even further down the narrow channel we lead our pathetic little lives? i'm totally fed up of how we're supposed to act and be a certain way if we're of a certain lineage. jeez. we're friggin' malaysians and i do not remember ever not being one.
so much to rally for, my fellow citizens. first, our ICs have got to stop stating rubbish like race or religion. all it need say is WARGANEGARA MALAYSIA. yeah baby that is so cool.
then, all the friggin forms that we fill on most days. WHY does it have a column to say M/C/I/DLL when our names state the obvious already without further hammering the stake into the stereotyping game? and the funniest is, the columns asking for birthdays when our IC numbers these days tell everything.
i am so pissed off with the level of racism we practice. i'm hanging out with my buddy Surin a lot, and he gets crap from people who won't hang out just cos he's not of a certain colour or creed. fuck, man, what does it matter when at the end of it all we're just the same human species, with the same feelings, emotions, fears, pains, and needs. food for worms. and, like i always say, a dick can't tell the difference between race and skin colour. conversely, neither can your pussy. so there.
phew. that was a bit direct, and rude, perhaps. but you so-called malaysians out there deserve it. all you idiots who just hang out with just your own kind, and thus depriving yourselves of some cultural enrichment and diversity. which just leads the way to more prejudice and insecurity and therefore into a downward spiral of your own friggin' doing.
got extra RAM for my PC! like greased lightning now.
Keep calm and be informed
Keep calm and be informed
Sunday, 02 Feb 2020
By Marina Mahathir
*The disease that is spreading faster than the novel coronavirus is a
mental and e...
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