Thursday, October 23, 2003

diwali time! yayyy!!! i had my first deepavali open house last saturday, at hari's place. good food was the order of the day. and pity i couldn't stay for long cos the booze would have been flowing too. oh, didnt datuk subramaniam say we shud not associate the Festival of Lights with alcohol? dude, it would be hard to change a communal mindset overnight, lah.

think i'll maintain a low profile. as if. got an appt at 9pm, then... who knows? i've got LXG the movie at home, maybe that will be the order of the day. last night i caught The Italian Job. looks like the talents of Mr. Marky Mark was under-utilised, and it is always surprising when Charlize Theron doesn't take her clothes off (okay, the gorilla movie few years back was Disney-grade, so... ) acting ability? doubtful.

who am i to criticize, eh. i was in the school play and got a prize for it, even. we were holding up the props, which was a house-front. yup. more on that later... if it suits my mood!

happy weekend! i'll be working thru it as usual. the path i've chosen is like that lor... taaaa!

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