Monday, October 27, 2003

news for the day:
JERSEY GIRL due for release on March 19, 2004. yippee! time to see Ben Affleck actually act??!!

thanks, justine, for the concern. oh yeah i survived diwali without getting plastered. the eve was the usual party-til-5am thing, but i just wish i was some place other than Telawi Street Bistro. even Dhol would've been better, waahahahahahah! i did enjoy last night very much, though. had dinner at Dewi Corner B'sar, then to Voyeaur at Telawi 2... and i thought it was gonna be a healthy nite out! ok lah the company was excellent, and we had many laughs. plus the music was upbeat... phew...

came across some gems today on the net - this brit group called The Soup Dragons, which is simply awesomely mind-blowing! so cool, their songs. they were pretty big back in the early 90's. okay, half of you were still rockin' to Sesame Street. check it out.

and Suede - just discovering how awesome their music is, and the lead singer's voice is much of the magic. whats his name eh?

dinner time. what am i gonna have, eh. can't wait to have my puppy so at least i'll be more compelled to have a meal.

hey y'all - have a nice monday, ok. love n peace.

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