Wednesday, March 20, 2002

I DID A WEIRD THING TODAY. i was up by 7am. YES. for a self-confessed night-owl who's known for being awake at any given hour. THAT'S NOT the weirdest though. I WENT JOGGING. or more precisely, walking. Even worked up a sweat. all before 8.30am. Is this some sort of turning point? early onset of mid-life crisis? will i get a big bike now? (wouldn't mind that at all! boys and their toys...)

That is why, PF, i am up and around! Just in case you were wondering... ho ho ho.

Starting the day early means something, u know. Somehow, things get into focus much earlier. Is it the sunlight, bright and cheery? Is it the fact that something has to be done to fill the waking hours? I'd really rather be sitting home, listening to music and watching VCDs... but i'd vegetate and they'd have to find a place for me in the Botanical Gardens. So given the capitalist nature of our society, I must soldier on... line my pockets with silver, blah blah blah. Anyone wanna set up a commune?


It's a must-watch! It really is funny, and Kevin Spacey is always SOOO DAMMMMNNN GOOODDDD. Talk about deadpan serious acting style! Damn... he convinced me the whole way through. There's as usual some social commentary going on. Entertaining lor, don't miss it.

Have a beautiful sunny day....

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