Tuesday, April 30, 2002

i found that there are people who pay attention to my random words of nonsense.

1. nohopestalker - no i'm not married! i've got a phobia to commitment. or lightning bolts of revelation has not struck me yet. and they will not strike.

2. babelicious - beer belly, going going... getting bigger, stronger! judging by my consumption of food and spirits over the past 4 days... don't we just love Malaysia for its 24-hour food culture???!!! yummy. was at this restaurant called Lemon Grass, at Sg Wang. Over-rated, over-priced, but nice place to sit down, have a chat, and pig out, away from the madding crowd. The Rosemary Chicken is lovely. I had the Asam Masam Pari, which was passable.

3. daffodil, sweet daffodil. Need i say more? perhaps u win the prize for most visits to this blog! : )

I can count on both hands the number of people who drop by this blog.

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