Wednesday, December 31, 2003

hey it's the last day of the year again!

have a great time celebrating okay! out with the old, eh. i'm looking forward to better times, but aren't we all.

me will be with me family having a grand makan-makan at home, then... who knows. probably go watch fireworks at KLCC or something simple like that.

see ya next year!!!


Tuesday, December 30, 2003

after that optimistic entry yesterday... i must say i'm tarnished a little.

why? well:
1. spec lens got shattered during footie
2. house broken in, lost some cash and handphone.

so - again - sms or call me okay, later today after i arrange a phone and a SIM card. shitz.

have a nice day ok! happy new yearrr!

Monday, December 29, 2003

'tis the season to be jolly...

ok i'm back from limbo, again. did a bit of travelling, and Air Asia is turning to crap, especially with its timing and reliability of its planes - always got tech probs? errr... but i suppose it's safer than those buses that keep crashing in Malaysia, eh.

but i will keep taking its flights cos they're cheaper. and more importantly, their level of customer service is generally good. and it takes a lot to please this dude, you know. if they take the trouble to make light banter and enquire about my needs - they've won my heart. even that simple 'don't you want to have anything, sir?' has negated the discomfort of my four-hour wait at the airport...

the holiday season? you can say i've regained much of my faith in the goodness of people. even if it took a thousand kms to find that out. of acceptance irregardless of race, colour, language and creed; the embrace of all that is human. to see the joy, fun and laughter emanating from people whom i hardly know but so ready to share. this is, my friends, the true meaning of being malaysian. not the crap we read about which will remain policies forever, but the real experience of it.

my thanks and love to all those who were at Kg Langsat, Papar, including my beloved mama and daffy... mi amore!

more later...

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

is the time to look for food... din-din's a-calling...

man, having a connected PC is a great waste of time... now if only i could learn something from all this.

holiday time coming up fast and hard... where to get mood to work ah? i think this is common worldwide towards year-end when productivity takes a dive.

ok off i go then... c ya 2moro!

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

moral is, dont stay up til 4am watching movies when our bodies need rest. or play footie while still recovering :p

somehow feel pretty shitty today, and contemplating another visit to the GP. issit a conspiracy that for any given illness (even something mundane as the flu or cough) we have to go to the GP twice to get more advice and medication? issit the cheap generic medicines that they give? well... viruses just keep getting stronger and more immune, don't they.

gotta be workin hard the next few days as my impending getaway approaches. everyone's in a holiday mood! my pal surin's off to the US for 2 weeks, and another couple, they're away to Egpyt. lifestyles of the rich and able. me, no such luck, i'll be within the boundaries of my beloved country... damn think i'm gonna wish for a digital camera so i can take loads of pics! heh heh.

hoooray hoooray, its a holi-holi-deyyyyy...

Monday, December 15, 2003

ok, that goddamm flu is almost outta my system. back to normal in a day or two, but no way i'm missing footie tonight! : )

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

a really HOT teh tarik will do wonders. might be catching that lethal flu the papers keep talking about. ouch.
isn't she simply adorable?
if you've watched that movie, 13 Conversations, you might reach the same conclusion as me - the One Thing is actually... nothing. hahahhahahahhh.

OH. after some thought (it's 11.09pm now), i got it. it's about cause-and-effect, the Third Law of Motion, as one of the characters in that movie put it so wryly and with sure dire consequences.

ok lah, it's very much a character-driven movie, lots of talk. plenty to identify with in the characters too, as it explores such human experiences as love, joy, happiness, guilt, pain, betrayal. our every-day stuff lah.

a bit blur now, must be cos of the need for food. or for nocturnal types, brains only come alive after sunset. yup.

Monday, December 08, 2003

check out the FSOL site... it's amazing, with mindblowing music and visuals... but we get the impression that their music ended with the Dead Cities album. hmm. that is a FANTASTIC work of art. an aural masterpiece with its place in an auditory Sistine Chapel. go get it. i'm never letting my copy outta my sight.
do we dream of going to sleep?

damn, blame all these mind-fuck movies - Matrix, Existenz - that sets us all thinking of all this weird shit.

if The Life of Pi any good? and Sophie's World? been hangin' at MPH too much for my own good. too bad everything seems too pricey for my earnings level. *sigh* shall i start a book biz then, heheh, like another friend of mine...

darn, gotta go drive around now, traffic must suck. think i'll postpone to tomorrow. Procrastination 101 For Procrastinators.

taaaa... muah muaahhhhh

Thursday, December 04, 2003

finished Hero a while ago. hmm.. i think the movie held more promise than in its final form. maybe it's the language problem (no comprehende mandarin) and the subtitles erratic. ah well for an action movie - there was lots of that. too many twists and turns though to the conclusion... blur blur.

time for supper-lah... where shall i go to eh... came back to the office to use the net for a bit and waste time. managed to do my accounts, for last month :( malas, malas. damn, some teh tarik sounds good. let's see where shall we go... join me?

was watching HERO last nite / this morning. sword-fighting movies can be soo fun, eh. this one brings back memories of old classics. anyone out there remember one called 'Iron Butterfly' or something like that? i think it was real violent and dark... i was maybe about 5 years old or perhaps younger, but it impressed me til now. cun.

just something about all those stylish swordfights, flying around, aerial acrobatics, that's just so attention-grabbing. of course we gotta leave our brains at the door lah, put on our Suspension-of-Disbelief module, and enjoyyyy...

but fell asleep watching Hero la, too tired. doing too much of that, dozing off with the telly on. help!

it's been productive so far... met a customer, chit chat over roti bom and teh, new leads, that sorta thing la. then proceeded to Dewi Corner Bangsar for a very late lunch. this seems like my usual spot now already... quality is overall good so it wins some points. first time eating rawa thosai and found it good - i always some extra flavours in the food and the curry leaves, chilli and onions did the trick. yummy. two thumbs up!

my fone is in the car, which means i'll have to go off soon to retrieve it - good excuse to go off and hang out somewhere else eh ;) damn friggin' rain... or i'll go to the pasar malam. ah well, see how it goes lah. let's hope no-one important calls me at this time.

well then... think i better get down to some serious shit. take care, and wishing ya all the smiles in the world...

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

just in case u wanna know, here's the inspiration for me to start my blog.
Sipping ma' green tea and it's so heavenly soothing. good start to my day i suppose.

last nite was pretty alright. raining and raining and raining, where does all this water come from???! well, braving the rain, we ended up in Dreamz after a long break from the joint. had a coupla drinks, shared some laffs, entertained my very drunk mate (who i think was at the stage where it didnt matter if it was male or female as long as he could get some!). supper followed by dozing off in front of the TV... pathetic.

gonna get some work done now... will put more later. registered for Phlogger via SMS but not sure how to carry on from there. help needed!

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

wasn't it simply excellent this morning? it started raining about 5 am i think, and i was asleep in front of the telly as usual. brushed my teeth to get rid of all those Chachos bits (TWO packs at one go, a record or what) struggled to pull myself to bed and blissfully KO'd til about 9am (isn't that a sin!). rushed thru the morning, now think i'll take it easy and go for some nasi lemak and teh tarik...

Monday, December 01, 2003

i know when my rekindled love of hip hop roots came from - i was listening to this song on the radio by Youngbloodz, and i thought, hey i haven't heard these sorta stripped-to-the-bone beats since... Jam On It! almost the same i must say. it's all about the sampling...
daffy says there's too many 'ex' stories in my blog of late. it's The Case of The Ex, as in the song (was there such a song title? i think so).

monday... wasting time with my arse on this seat since 10.30am. in 3 hours i've achieved... nothing. i wish i did. perhaps there's a way to make some dosh from surfing? hmmm...

think i'll go and sit at some cool restaurant and watch life pass by. recently i've been hangin at Dewi's Corner Bangsar, especially during Raya when all the other warungs were shut. nice thosai yeah... and the friendliest cashier which is a change.

ok then back to work i go...

Sunday, November 30, 2003

i sit here in the office on a sunday, 2pm, and i think i've got lotsa better stuff to do. been ignoring calls on my phone (dont wanna talk to the caller). in the few short hours i've been awake, i've been so many things - disoriented, confused, hungry, stressed, worried, happy, lost. is this any way to start a day, i wonder.

and yet, the solutions to whatever problems in my head are just at my fingertips, literally. *sigh* i'm the forever-headbanger, constantly mental-masturbating and procrastinating, that moving forward doesn't happen often. *sigh again*

my impending escape from capitalist society is not forthcoming... how to get away from its evil grip, i wonder. any suggestions??? please list, ok, thanks.

nothing like a trip to the bookstore to put things into perspective, eh ; )

what a contradiction. shit.

Friday, November 28, 2003

bookstores are the most interesting places on boring public holidays. went to Kinokuniya and MPH Midvalley, browsed like crazy, soaked up names i've never heard before, and discovered new categories like 'Chic Lit' which really sounded more perverse than it should when said out loud. now if only books didn't cost fifty bucks a piece. friggin' profiteers.

bought this CD - Malaysian Fusion X II, which is a collection of local hip-hop. running the range from hardcore right on to slow jams, it's a pretty good listen, and bodes well for the local scene. i would say the quality is world-class, lah, comparable even to those Nelly and 50 Cent tracks we get all the time. this deserves airplay, u know. we even get some Cantonese, Melayu, and Tamil innit. cool. the mid-tempo tracks will blow ya away, i tell ya.

if there's one complaint... sampling and being inspired by other artistes is one thing, but this CD is a lil too much. it's my opinion that there's there's one too many tracks where it sounds like remakes of past Cypress Hill / Pyscho Realm / Cypress family posse hits. for instance, the gun-loading sounds from Cypress' classic songs? they're here as well. how relevant is that in this country where we just don't carry guns??? the references to Eastside / Westside are quite hilarious too. glamourising violence, are we? that stupid quarrel with so many dead... next thing u know, our locals will be rappin' about the Blood, the Crips, and the Spics. ho hum.

apart from all the usual b-boy posturing, at least there are some socially-conscious messages here too, like anti-war and the like. we're all creatures after some peace and lovin', aren't we...

friday nite, dudes... off to telawi we go, eh ; ) if only the rain will let up for a few hours! taaa

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

hey it's raya... best nye!

was at my ex's place yesterday, and the usual suspects were all there. so sat around and makan and makan and makan laaa, what else. chit chat and all that for hours... 'twas good. and today, i went to my babysitter's house (yes when i was really little), it was really good catching up too. excellent rendang and nasi himpit. plus the always-embarrassing old photos.. those brought back the nostalgia. one really cute one had me in baju melayu, dudes. can faint laaa! seems the woman made it for me...

so that's it for the past 2 days. wonder who else can i visit... off to KLCC now... c ya later!

Friday, November 21, 2003

i thought slamming the car door into my fingers was painful. today i did it with one of those cold storage room doors. they're heavy, industrial use and all, thick as hell. now my finger's bleeding, and swollen. ouch. at least i wont be able to show the middle finger with my right hand, har har! but writing damn susah, man. adoi.

friday night... am gonna burrow deep in and stay home. watch reruns. told my bud surin that i won't pick up any calls! hee hee. last night was bad enough, getting to see the insides of at least three establishments...

totally into old-school hip-hop today. from Rapper's Delight to White Lines to Planet Rock... memories come flooding back oh! when i was a little boy (wakakakakakaaa) we were totally into the early scene, the movies Breakin' and Beat Street were hot. people were doing their moves all over the place, including the back of the class during lessons. yours truly might even have been an adept body-popper ; ) but never never ask me to show ya!

one thing i couldn't do were the big moves like headspins and other acrobatic stuff. a little backspin was OK but i think my muscle tone was pretty bad back then... and the establishment frowned upon such 'Western' cultures, so there was not much we could do. Unlike now, i think this sorta thing might even have Rakan Muda backing??!! what we had at the birth of the hip-hop scene, is now so mainstream... god i feel old, like a historian or something.

it was a fun time though. the growth of the Brit New Romantic scene, when music was good. drinking shandy in the afternoons. riding bicycles. we rented these 'How To' videos for breakdancing even. why was i never good i wonder, must be cos of my self-perception, har har.

met my hip-hop buddy from back in da day... he's got kids now. it's a linear progression, this. perhaps some of us just refuse to move along : (

ok time to go for bukak, hahah. what issit for tonite ah.. did go to the vegetarian shop but ate the curry mee - not bad but would've preferred the BKT version. laparrr gilaaaaa....

me my blog and i

i am:
Quiz Me
endorphinoholique spins tunes as
DJ Vinyl Beats

Get your dj name @ Quiz Me

it's amazing, how we influence the people in our lives. i was talking to my ex from the ooollldddd days (circa 1992) and she was going on and on about how she watches lotsa foreign movies, so i asked her, 'i wonder where you got that from.' the answer's obvious here.

and in so many other ways lah, where our ideas, our actions, have such far-reaching effects. most times i think i've been positive but there are cases where i've been really really bad... hmmm... it's really hard to tell what we're imparting with and the consequences of our actions, yeah?!

mind's still a wee bit clouded from the excesses of the night before. i really really thought i'd get away from that, but... they just won't let me??!! ho ho ho. well, i really didn't mind the company and the music, til the chappie started playing Modern Talking. and this in Telawi 3. sheeettzzzz. didn't know there were so many Jinjang Joes there.

i'll remedy that with some Rapper's Delight. totally old-school. peace.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

was reading the Nihtin Sawhney article in the paper. didnt know he was in town. and didnt know about his background til now.

thing is, we can relate to a lot of stuff in there, eh. different circumstances, different effect.

frig, i'm hungry. been up and about much of the day. it's 9.10pm and i shud have my dinner soon. my choices are as follows:

a) Mamak opposite Pearl Point Shopping Mall. trustworthy for about 10 years now, especially after drinking sessions! we even used to drink there, but would considerately bring our own cups and buy their coke, or something like that. Maggi Goreng Cili Padi to die for. ask for the cili padi, it's an option.

b) Prawn Mee at the corner of Jln Kuchai Lama and Klang Lama; there's only one grouping of stalls there (behind Plaza Prima ;) ) Quality is erratic; some days it's bland and watery, while on the good days - WHOA! yummy. since the stall at Rest. New Seaview closed, this is the nearest to get a fix lah.

c) Vegetarian food, Mega Mendung, OUG. now... this is a new phenom for me. ate a wonderful vegetarian BKT at the shop besides the RHB Bank, and it was really really good (i'm biased towards the herbal mix of BKT anyways). and there's all sortsa stuff too, like Otak-otak, burgers, noodles (all meat-less, of course). the proprietors seemed very friendly too, chatting with the customers and all.

i think (c) wins for the night. off i go then.

love n peace

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Take my Quiz on!
two hormones interest me most - endorphins and pheromones ;) their production is very closely intertwined, aren't they? hee hee.

wish i had some endorphin production now. need a dose.

what shall i do for the afternoon, eh... hmm...
been surfing some websites today, and these are business sites. damn, the grammar and spelling can be atrocious! the biggest most glaring error has to be the term 'soonest possible' (like, what the fuck does that mean?!) when it should be 'as soon as possible'. if you sent me a resume mentioning 'soonest possible', i'll chuck it into the bin. no exceptions.

Monday, November 17, 2003

the event for the weekend was PULP FICTION. wow havent seen it in such detail before, especially with the Trivia Track. so much information (sometimes irrelevant!)... quickly i've gone to get other Tarantino movies like True Romance, with Jackie Brown coming soon. don't we just love honest brutality.

my sunday... watching the rain fall all evening and night. i was surprised how fast time flies just by flipping the papers! it was pretty depressing too. i had one of em moments when we ponder on our finite limited lives. how much i've wasted time, and how often i've abused this temple which is my body. i regret my actions, but when irreparable damage is done, regrets will only add to the tension of things.

it's monday, footie nite! it's my favourite part of the week, apart from saturdays. it's the rush of getting hot and sweaty with me mates, lah. running around burning calories, never felt fitter. if only my stats will reflect that...

ok enough of griping about things we can't change. acceptance of our fate (sometimes) is necessary for us to move on and deal with the issue.


love and peace, my dears.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

ok lah i have to add... all those 80s love songs have put me in good stead today ; )

i got a great new day to buy my DVDs - look at list, pick the ones i want, then gonna go pick em up at 10pm. cool, eh. not comprehensive though, no Continental / Spanish selection.

damn i've been in this seat for hours. time to go and get a life.
makes me cry... 'Victims' by Culture Club. playing in head. so damn old school lah. when i was pre-teen i used to listen to em. how lah to identify with love songs at that age? some more my blaady parents sent me to damn boys school. so damn shy of girls wan. i still am...

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

i was reading the papers and i don't know to laugh or to cry or to be shocked. the thing about the vetting of horror books really amazes me. now, my main question is - how to tell what stories makes kids have nightmares? there is absolutely no proof to the minister or whoever-said-that-crap's statement. jeez. who comes up with scripts like that?

give em some credit lah. i think kids of any age can differentiate between reality and fiction. we ALL grew up listening to true-blue malaysian ghost stories. the ones about going to cemetaries to get 4D numbers, the banana tree spirits, and the ever-popular back-seat rider ghost. it is really part of our culture, and even being Asian. going the 'developed' way does not mean putting aside all our culture, customs, and oral traditions. we can't be just another steel-and-glass country, or we're just shallowly protesting the process of globalisation.

in the same way, we should ban parents too. cos i know i've had more than a few parent-induced nightmares. i think my parents have caused me more nightmares than any book or movie i've ever read or seen. and i've seen some pretty good shit in my time! hey, no doubt, after watching The Eye i had trouble with the shadows for a while (ssshhhh... don't tell anyone, ok...) but that was that. no traumatic dreams.

and for sure no book i've ever read has given me any scary visions. damn where do these govt chaps get their facts from? time and time again, pure unadulterated bullshit will come out. it's time, my dear propaganda machines, to get your facts right, or risk appearing bloody stupid. oh, they don't need much help in that department. such ridiculous value judgements - reading horror = bad dreams. yo ho ho. in which case i'd be a deranged SM serial-killer freak who eats babies for breakfast, since i've been on a steady diet of horror and violence. hmmm... nipple clips, anyone?

psssst... can someone pls tell the govt chappies that, with the Internet, censorship is obsolete? and those VCD sellers too help somewhat with the liberation of our minds from the Thought Police. it's so funny. in our country - we shouldn't have sex, horror, or violence, but just open the papers - that's all it's filled with! latest being Prince Charles' bisexuality (big deal) (hey, SEX); the bombings in Saudi Arabia (HORROR & VIOLENCE). point proven?

Thursday, November 06, 2003

this is so cool... isn't this Mr. Muru's drinks stall at Uptown??!! heheh thought it looked familiar : )

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

finally, some useful trivia on the Matrix phenom.
song in head: Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve. 'tis a bloody real song, dudes. depressingly so.

movie to watch: The Whale Rider. i just love movies which leave a smile on the face. happy endings and all that shit lah... this movie has all the elements: the human spirit and will prevailing over tribulation; man vs nature; some supernatural tidbits; family, etc. not to mention some excellent scenery. and if u want GURRLLLL POWER, this is it...

things to do: err... generally i think i need to work??!! hahahha


Friday, October 31, 2003

friday night and the feeling's right...

retro, dude.

looks like another weekend of drunken debauchery. methinks i'm having too much alcohol, given the state of my being. my doctor would screw me if he/she knows! hahahah!

worst thing happened to me... i actually misplaced my valuable 4 or 5 year old SIM card while changing it around. DAMN! there goes all my numbers. so... when u read this, please do SMS me or call me, ok. my 7 or 8 readers out there, hahahah!!! hear from you, AIIHHHHTTT!!!

watta goddamm lazy friday. oh, it was also a lazy monday, tuesday, wednesday... wahahahahha!!!

have a fun weekend!

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

too bad my goal-scoring skills don't apply to the rest of my life : (

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

WHOA! I actually scored a goal last night at futsal! three cheers for moi! hahahahah!!! : )

Monday, October 27, 2003

news for the day:
JERSEY GIRL due for release on March 19, 2004. yippee! time to see Ben Affleck actually act??!!

thanks, justine, for the concern. oh yeah i survived diwali without getting plastered. the eve was the usual party-til-5am thing, but i just wish i was some place other than Telawi Street Bistro. even Dhol would've been better, waahahahahahah! i did enjoy last night very much, though. had dinner at Dewi Corner B'sar, then to Voyeaur at Telawi 2... and i thought it was gonna be a healthy nite out! ok lah the company was excellent, and we had many laughs. plus the music was upbeat... phew...

came across some gems today on the net - this brit group called The Soup Dragons, which is simply awesomely mind-blowing! so cool, their songs. they were pretty big back in the early 90's. okay, half of you were still rockin' to Sesame Street. check it out.

and Suede - just discovering how awesome their music is, and the lead singer's voice is much of the magic. whats his name eh?

dinner time. what am i gonna have, eh. can't wait to have my puppy so at least i'll be more compelled to have a meal.

hey y'all - have a nice monday, ok. love n peace.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

diwali time! yayyy!!! i had my first deepavali open house last saturday, at hari's place. good food was the order of the day. and pity i couldn't stay for long cos the booze would have been flowing too. oh, didnt datuk subramaniam say we shud not associate the Festival of Lights with alcohol? dude, it would be hard to change a communal mindset overnight, lah.

think i'll maintain a low profile. as if. got an appt at 9pm, then... who knows? i've got LXG the movie at home, maybe that will be the order of the day. last night i caught The Italian Job. looks like the talents of Mr. Marky Mark was under-utilised, and it is always surprising when Charlize Theron doesn't take her clothes off (okay, the gorilla movie few years back was Disney-grade, so... ) acting ability? doubtful.

who am i to criticize, eh. i was in the school play and got a prize for it, even. we were holding up the props, which was a house-front. yup. more on that later... if it suits my mood!

happy weekend! i'll be working thru it as usual. the path i've chosen is like that lor... taaaa!

Monday, October 20, 2003

my sunday was totally blasted. why? it's the effect of reaching home at 8am after a nite of dancing 'n drinking... wow oh wow-wow-wee... it only hurts after sleeping, doesn't it. OD-ing on the alcohol is no fun at all, but the partying... yeah baby!!! after hangin' at Dhol again i've been nominated an honorary Sikh (like i need it). syok nye... then it was off to Waikiki, the notorious after-hours place. good lordie, it's surreal watching the sun rise from the 1st floor patio. greeting the morning with much celebration, eh.

no wonder i was like a zombie whole of sunday. even managed to get to KLCC via LRT, standing all the way. there is some charm in taking the LRT sometimes... was in town just for one purpose, which was to use the cash deposit machine there, all the trouble for one thing. worried about bouncing cheques, you see. can't afford the crazy bank charges no more. anyone ever complain about the charges which are getting increased every year? no wonder banks have mega-profits every year.

it's footie nite! i'm happy! only time in the past week i'll be sweating it out (does bouncing along at the club count? ha ha). must go get me some movies, more reason to stay home. now - going home to wash car, clean house a little (if inspiration arises), then to the footie pitch. yippee!!!

enjoy your mondays, mateys.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

there we went again... i'm beginning to dread my evenings out! somehow after the hustle and bustle of the so-called work-day, we ended up at Voyeur along Telawi 2. one bottle of whiskey later, we took a walk to Dhol, which is above Absolute Chemistry. oh good lord there another bottle appeared and that was the end of a decent nite out... now, if you want to have an energetic and vibrant evening on a weekday, this is the place, dudes. yummy. this is the place for hindi, tamil, bhangra, etc.. yippee!!! party on!!!

there is a price to pay, of course. empty wallet, woozy head in morning. enough for this week, i think?

it's my mama's birthday! and i haven't got a present yet (it's 6pm and i'm meeting her at 8). shitty isn't it. so off i'll go now, rush thru some dept store and end up with some useless thing for her : (

goodnite, folks.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

and then there was sunday at the SPCA. ohhh so cute all the animals there! all kinds of dogs and cats and i think there were birds too. oh one little cute black puppy just jumped at me when i went near its cage! i wanted to take it home but i needed to pay RM250 which i didn't have then. so sad. it's a Rottweiler mixed, simply adorable. and it's black. chun.

after bonding with the lil' fella i was really saddened by the fact that if i didn't adopt at least 1 animal, they might be put to sleep... gawd. so the target this week has been to have enuff dosh to rescue that lil black one, which is practically a twin to Daffy's Miki ;)

mine's gonna be named Snoop Dawg. it's gonna be a hardcore pup, gangsta of the mean streets! woof woof.

bring your ass over to the SPCA and check it out, you'll surely bring one home.
has it really been two weeks since i've last updated this? wow. time flies.

how have i been? mmm. how to explain ah. it's been some extremes. first, had a jolly good and relaxing time in Miri. even did some jungle trekking (OK lah it was only 1km in, but for a city boy it's quite an experience!). and all the eating, etc. wonderful.

back in bad ole KL - adoi... i'm not sure if i got the cash for dinner. for the self-employed, cash flow and timing is everything. *sigh*

actually it's been a busy time! i've got a major customer, and they opened for biz yesterday. time to plug them - nice place called Coffee Hill in Wisma SPK, Jln Sultan Ismail. just beside the Fitness First. nice teh tarik. and don't forget to try their ice-blended drinks ;)

nights have never been better too ;) actually got my ass to KL centre on a Friday night, and hopped to Hard Rock Cafe to see HardRock Hari. bar was as sleazy as ever, might as well put up signboard saying 'Services Available' or something like that.

somehow i also ended up at Bliss at 12SI. phew wow! whaddaparty, dude! half of KL was there. nice of Hunnybunny to escort me past the reception counter. i just hate clubs with admission fees. like, i was outside QBAR at Sunway Pyramid and they wanted me to pay. bugger off! bought a few drinks outside, less crowd and happening dance music. Underworld rocks!

Breakers at Hartamas is quite nice too, but only managed one game. didn't know there's a club in there, China Max! the name sounds corny but it seems they play pretty good dance music. try one day lah...

sounds like i've been out and about , eh? hahah! yeah baby. just a little, to occupy my time. i think i'll go back to work now... later ok. call me!

Thursday, October 02, 2003

was at UM last night, at the Asia-Europe Institute. heard there was this gig going on, by The Kriedler Trio from Germany. when i heard it was electronic, i was hooked. so i was there about 8.50pm, and they'd started already. what can i say? FSOL rocks my world and sends me to aural heaven. this Trio gave me the yawns most of the time. and the audience too, judging from the amount of sms-ing going on (i counted 6 phones alight, including myself). people got into it when they got dancey, and got the beats deep. apart from that... mmm... i'd prefer more experimental, off-the-paved-road sorta thing.

hey but the seat was nice, and the airconditioning cool. rested well. slept right after. yum.
somehow it's been so bloody uneventful, i could cry. i am, actually inside. why? because, for instance, work-wise, lack of activity means lack of income too. ouch.

ah well, at least the nights are better. it's been the same old same old. teh tarik at Uncle Don's. shisha at NZ. drinks at Dreamz. huh.

okay lah perhaps my demeanour at the moment makes my head all blurry. or is it the hours i've spent here in front of PC just makes me blur??!! whoa.

time to go out then. let's plan:
1. jogging? perhaps. let's see the weather, and the light.
2. dinner. or not. see how.
3. teh tarik with Mr. Surin. for sure.
4. late night movie. re-run of my existing collection. Dogma? Mallrats? yeah baby. make me laugh.

then... to bed. read somewhere that sometimes answers to our problems come to us in our sleep. and i've experienced that myself. nothing like a good night's rest? but my prob is, i feel more lethargic after more than six hours. strange but true. i'm destined to nocturnal unrest.

let's hope my weekend gets brighter. off to Miri i go, again, to see my Daffodil, hee hee.

love n peace, dudes and dudettes.

Friday, September 26, 2003

friday night, and the feeling's right...

looks rainy out there. thinking of going jogging. then, my evening starts... off to Dreamz as always, seems like a Fri nite routine lah, unless something else pops up. Azman Warren rocks lah! just beautiful the way we sing along to the songs. me and my tomato juice, sweet.

better be going off then. put on me jogging shoes and hot red shorts. head's messed up at the mo' actually. goodnite...

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

hmm... now, that's a defective link. pening.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

presenting... the new chillz logo, first draft. someone give me a catchy phrase, ok. need help...
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Friday, September 19, 2003

humans must be really fed up with life. why do we, day and night, seek to poison our bodies with alcohol, drugs, and disease? and our planet, our home, trashed, raped, pillaged, damaged? we practically shit all over ourselves in our own house, our beloved planet earth, and she's crying out...

why is the human race so given to being the Master of its own Destiny, its own demise?

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

raining cats and dogs so still in this office of mine. airconditioning's off, bloody cheapos. made some green tea so i'll sip til my next appointment with my buddies at the local... yippee!

tuesday already ah?

sounds of thunder outside the building. i'm safe in here, i think. which means i'll be stuck indoors for the night. goodie.

my left knee's screwed. too much running around last nite on the futsal pitch! think my boots not absorbing the impact. or my old injuries still not really healed, which is most probably the case. fallen down right on it at least twice, without checking for any broken bones or joints. aiyah, now have ta tempang a little... hee hee! i'm totally hooked on futsal. and bumped into my buddy Yo there too! everyone's into the act. ladies - here's a cute guy for you - leave a message if interested! heh heh.

feels like a good night for some shisha... cool night, slightly damp, just right for relaxing...

Friday, September 12, 2003

hey it's Friday.

me and my mates are off to this place called Dreamz in DU, it's a pub on the first floor, but it's got good music and cold beer, what more could a dude ask for. and last Friday... phew! Azman Warren performed some great classics lah. our hair collectively stood when he played Child In Time and Stairway to Heaven. now here's a good performer who's paid his dues and deserves some of the limelight. hey, the place got our attention til four in the morning, so some magic must have transpired.

so, mateys, more of the same tonight, even more so as we gather more dudes to pop by... yippee!

i'm beginning to dig this futsal thing. was at Sports Barn on Mon nite, and eventually got the hang of the game. i'm one wannabe, got boots and all, but just for the looks only...! now i actually look forward to the next game! what a workout it was... feels good lah!

dinner awaits me! authentic nasi padang, here we come!

Thursday, September 11, 2003

caught this movie called Irreversible. it's one of those movies i watch with my mouth open, and saying 'whoa' to myself. when i picked up this movie, there was a guy who said i would need a strong stomach. he wasn't kidding. my tummy was turning around watching some scenes. talk about graphic, straight-ahead, visual violence.

and the directing and the camera angles... 'whoa!' this was one of the reasons my mouth was agape half the movie. Hollywood is at least 2 years away from this kind of creativity. wow. and the colours... gritty, dark, disturbing when required; bright, cheery, sharp, and rich when the scene required that atmosphere. the contrast here, the duality (that's a fave word of mine, isn't it). this movie kicks ass. and Monica Bellucci? well, she's always eye candy in the movies she's in, apart from a little more substance in 'Malena'(playing kissy-face with Keanu in Matrix Reloaded). and she succeeds very well at that, doesn't she...

got meself T3 too but left it on the roof of the car and so... it flew away, sob sob. it's just another quirk of mine... anyone else fond of losing stuff after leaving 'em on the car roof?

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

i sound like bimbo-meh???

today i spent most of my day in Proton Edar service centre, 8am - 3.15pm. they were lucky i'm rather sanguine or i would have blown my top like the last time. *sigh* what to do... so much stress induced from the lepak and take it easy attitude of employees.

oh i also got screwed today, work-wise. i'll spare the details but i suppose i deserve it. more soul-searching. MM-ing.

and more 'work' for the rest of the night. good for me. bills are piling up and waiting to be paid. any of you angels out there wanna send me a hundred or two? har har.

g'nite then mateys, love n peace.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

there's been two movies of late which have been really cool...

one's the Pirates movie with Johnny Depp - it's just so much fun! for an original sorta bash, this is it. almost the best movie of the year, so far, apart from Matrix Reloaded, which is just 2 or 3 points behind...

the other, which i was just watching again this morning, is Finding Nemo. whoa, the colours are just so brilliant and lush, the settings remarkable, and the animation is just... awesome! funny too, with all sortsa characters. the surfer dude turtle, for one.

but of all the characters, i didn't think i'd be
You are NIGEL!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

i wanna be the shark, cos Fish are my friends...


p.s. Orlando Bloom, for one, doesn't look gay here, for the most part. can't stand the g-boy poster look in LOTR laaaa. will he be wearing a dress in the next LOTR movie?

Friday, September 05, 2003

snoochie boochies, dudes!

ohhhh when is that friggin movie JERSEY GIRL gonna be out laaaaa... am gonna get fucking bored of watching the other Kevin Smith movies over and over and over again. they delayed its release... aiyoh yoh...

last night at about 1am i was fucking bored. TV3 NightLine was over, and it wasn't my favourite newsreader Shelly (hope she's not reading this blog!!! she's really nice in person, always says hi), and the Formula BMW was just getting dull with these jokers going around and around the Sepang track. wish it was me there, so it's more jealousy than anything else.

so off i went to the kedai kopi New Seaview for a dose of wantan mee - nothing better to cheer someone up is there?! was hoping the VCD seller would be making his rounds. not so fortunate this time...

back off home it was for another re-run of Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery! groovy baby. and my living room area is looking more like a shag-pad every day... just got matching pillows (1 huge one with 2 matching small ones), red-and-black colour coordinated, for 30% less. GROOOOVVEEEEE BABYYYYY !!! too bad my middle name ain't 'Danger'...

tonight is Friday night is Party night... where you all heading to? i'll be either in Bangsar or Damansara Utama. buzz me, willya??!!! let's have a blast and chase the blues away.

love n peace u all.
next up: What makes a Shinyhappydude?

Thursday, September 04, 2003

some lessons cannot be learned.

i spent the day in an alcohol-influenced daze. the heavy head, slow reactions, et al. i really thought i'd have realized some stuff in my life by now.


time to go home to nappeeee...

BUT it was bloody fun getting sloshed with my old mates, dude. wattalotta laughter !!! didn't know it was so nice to lose at drinking games *hic* details will have to wait as i'm still blur. miraculous i got home alright.


Tuesday, September 02, 2003

i've gathered enough matter to be formed again.

jeez i sound like a line out of Anne Rice's The Witching Hour. i really really love that book, and the Mayfair Witches series. talk about gripping. then she had to write crap of late. i can't even finish The Vampire Armand, so inclined am i to it.

i think i'm stuck in a time warp. i'm going nowhere.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

listening to Put it In Your Mouth. hot. thanks, hani, for recommending it. hope u feel better! hot lemon, aiiggghhhttt, for that flu of yours.

i am a dual experience. the dichotomy of me. not exactly the alpha and the omega... (is that blasphemous? dont want any Christian extremists kicking my ass here). perhaps more of the ying and yang. i might be like water, fluid to fill all containers of all shapes and sizes. i am fluid, i am everywhere, and i am, nowhere...

do you question my existence, my presence, in your lives? or, tomorrow, was i ever here?

blink, and i might disappear.


am i a figment of your imagination? am i just a collective of matter which learnt to manipulate the electronics of today?

do i exist? do i ride on the wind blowing between the houses of the metropolis, swaying the leaves of the rare tree, and sounding off the many wind-chimes of urbania? am i a material being?

your minds play tricks.

i am not he whom you see.

Friday, August 22, 2003

sometimes it does not pay to be direct and to-the-point, and to a certain extent, concerned, about anything at all. and that having an opinion is dangerous. oh i forgot, this is Malaysia, where having an idea contradicting the Moral Majority could be an imprisonable offence. aaahh i see where we're all coming from.

hey, if i ruffled your feathers, i do not apologize. i said what i needed to say (jeez it was only an sms) as my opinion. how you take it is how you take it. could have been a useful bit of information, no?, or was it too close for comfort. reality can be painful.

where was i coming from? care and concern i believe. zee, those are 2 words that might escape your comprehension. nothing else, i don't intentionally spite anyone. oh yes i do but only if they piss me off real bad. and, nobody really wants to get me really mad, as in The Hulk (doesnt Jennifer Connely look so blur there? i wonder where i find time to watch movies).

why does it bother me at all?

on a lighter note, i'm going to take some pics of UIA Gombak today, hope the sun's not too hot. the buildings are cun, though (as in most of the city) there is need for more trees. what am i doing there? that's a story for another day...


Monday, August 18, 2003

pms. i got it today. note to self: please eat regularly to ensure decent blood sugar levels.

my buddy Gab here doing battle with the ASTRO customer service. didn't i tell u, the service industry doesn't exist, or companies do not know how to keep their customers happy. malaysians should get jobs that they enjoy doing, and not just out of necessity.

i'm spinning out of control. no, more like a top, which when running out of momentum, wobbles. i'm that wobbly top.

hmm. where to have carlsberg tonight ah?

Friday, August 15, 2003

speaking about hammers, i once did a car in with one. let's just say, a few bricks would have done a better, more dramatic job.

Thursday, August 14, 2003


If I had a hammer
I'd hammer in the morning
I'd hammer in the evening ... all over this land,
I'd hammer out danger
I'd hammer out a warning
I'd hammer out love between all of my brothers and my sisters
All over this land.

If I had a bell
I'd ring it in the morning
I'd ring it in the evening ... all over this land,
I'd ring out danger
I'd ring out a warning
I'd ring out love between all of my brothers and my sisters
All over this land.

If I had a song
I'd sing it in the morning
I'd sing it in the evening ... all over this world,
I'd sing out danger
I'd sing out a warning
I'd sing out love between all of my brothers and my sisters
All over this land.

If I've got a hammer
And I've got a bell
And I've got a song to sing ... all over this land,
It's a hammer of justice
It's a bell of freedom
It's a song about love between all of my brothers and my sisters
All over this land.

(Words and music by L. Hays and P. Seeger)

love the Trini Lopez version. used to have the cassette when i was much younger. my granny pinjam the tape and it was goodbye to it.

it's just such an optimistic happy song, isn't it?
damn goddam it i lost my last entry. no worries cos it was full of crap anyways.

the more i read about that rachael's party, the more i regret not having turned up. and i was just around the corner...

ah well i suppose i've got wilder things to do. like read my book and catch up on the movies. got this movie, Kandahar, which was turning out to be disastrously depressing, but the friggin CD was skipping. watta shame to the flow of the story.

day turned out okayyyy-lah. trick is to have a nice breakfast, i think. with some kopi and a fresh copy of The Star, nothing could be better. too bad there wasn't much coffeeshop gossip this morn...

i hate it cos i'm not feeling bitchy now. i'm gonna go out and be around people and i'd definitely be that way pretty easily.

g' nite.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

i am going to start a Service Standards Consultancy and provide training services to the Malaysian service industry, which at this moment does not exist. we as malaysians have to learn, no, taught, that the CUSTOMER is usually right. usually, because there will always be idiotic assholes for customers. no denying that.

for example, i was just on the phone with my supplier and she was just beginning to irritate me with crap like,'are you our dealer?', to which i answered very curtly, YES. 'which company are you from' was answered at least 3 friggin' times in that short 3 minute conversation. lucky for her, i got transferred to the director before i had chance to blow up.

LESSON to be learnt: (ok this i give you for free)
always, if you are in a position to be picking up phone calls (irregardless of whether you are in the sales/customer service/support departments because you are dealing with your friggin paying customers, you pricks), do have a pen and paper to write down details. stuff like, who's calling, from which company, what they might want from you. it's quite easy closing a sale or having a satisfied caller. or, in this world of high technology, use your database available at your fingertips.

if not - DON'T FUCKING SIT BY THE PHONE AND DON'T PICK IT UP IF YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN HANDLING YOUR CALLERS, YOU SONS OF BITCHES OUT THERE. i've had enough of idiots who say stuff like, sorry i'm not in that dept, etc. don't pick up the damn business line then. let it ring and ring and ring cos i might as well not be talking to anyone. it's better to assume everyone's gone home for the day.

on a much happier note, i'm absolutely in love with Kazaa. i'm busy using it to get all sorts of hot phat bhangra tracks, spanish ones (trini lopez, swoon...; control machete-check them out on Cypress Hill's spanish album and also on the Amores Perros soundtrack), and all sorts of songs. phew wow. i love.

only one gripe - i can get hindi songs, i can find indonesian ones, i can get spanish tracks. but, malaysian songs? hardly lah. looks like copyright control works after all ; )

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

i'm getting people worried about my blog entries of late. koala - i'm fine lah, it was just that sometimes, things happen which question that which we take for granted. friendship bonds, family, etc. that sort, you know.

i'm questioning the concept of being Malaysian. ok lah its August and all so u think i'm jumping on the Merdeka bandwagon. yeah whatever. how many of us actually define us as Malaysians true and true? hardly. we're so fucking set in our M/C/I/DLL mindsets that the possibility of a one united Malaysia is hard to perceive at this given time.

what we all need to do is to just go procreate with each other. in a few generations, we're all be looking about the same, skin colour, features and all. that process began a long time ago and it has seemingly accelerated in our time.

why is there a need to reinforce all these stereotypes we have of each other all the time? why must we cement our mindsets even further down the narrow channel we lead our pathetic little lives? i'm totally fed up of how we're supposed to act and be a certain way if we're of a certain lineage. jeez. we're friggin' malaysians and i do not remember ever not being one.

so much to rally for, my fellow citizens. first, our ICs have got to stop stating rubbish like race or religion. all it need say is WARGANEGARA MALAYSIA. yeah baby that is so cool.

then, all the friggin forms that we fill on most days. WHY does it have a column to say M/C/I/DLL when our names state the obvious already without further hammering the stake into the stereotyping game? and the funniest is, the columns asking for birthdays when our IC numbers these days tell everything.

i am so pissed off with the level of racism we practice. i'm hanging out with my buddy Surin a lot, and he gets crap from people who won't hang out just cos he's not of a certain colour or creed. fuck, man, what does it matter when at the end of it all we're just the same human species, with the same feelings, emotions, fears, pains, and needs. food for worms. and, like i always say, a dick can't tell the difference between race and skin colour. conversely, neither can your pussy. so there.

phew. that was a bit direct, and rude, perhaps. but you so-called malaysians out there deserve it. all you idiots who just hang out with just your own kind, and thus depriving yourselves of some cultural enrichment and diversity. which just leads the way to more prejudice and insecurity and therefore into a downward spiral of your own friggin' doing.

got extra RAM for my PC! like greased lightning now.

Friday, August 08, 2003

this week there's a permanent fog around my brains. it's the fermented stuff, i tell u.

time. while watching Animatrix, this concept suddenly popped into my head. i was wondering, that concept was created by man (the Grecians, probably) to explain the concept of the passing moments. which brought me to

O. circle. zero. 'o'. i always love drawing circles. and within its simplicity of form and function, there's great depth and mystery. so fluid it is, a never-ending figure. it could go on forever, as long as 'time' exists. wow. and it's so representative of our very existence. in circles, around and around we go. sometimes along the way we learn some lessons, but often we just get lost and get back to the beginning. which could be the end. wow. full circle.

circles intrigue me.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

i've cooled down somewhat. i think Tiger beer and good music always does its job. oh yah i gotta download that song, My Neck My Back - friggin' kinky horny sexy song lah. damn that song could set a club on fire and everyone on heat, man. just right for our hot tropical nights.

my head's still in a bit of a daze, though. not sure if it's still due to my blood alcohol level from Monday night. phew. gotta hit the pavement later lah. get more oxygen into my inebriated brains. flooded by now from the many years of abuse. mental? physical? chemical? yeah. all of the above. pass me the bong will ya.

ok. i'm hopeless today, in a state of limbo. i'll wake up tomorrow. or never. yeah whatever.


and so it shall be.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

anger is good. at least it's an honest emotion.

when my phone switches on, it's got a Welcome Message: fuckshitgoddammofo. and that, my friends, is the entire vocabulary, in one sentence, of an angry man.

i've suddenly used a lot of italics. should be cos my head senget already. it's all representative. perhaps i look like a Leaning Tower of Pisa now.

does the sun shine bright out there?
will ever its warmth we share?
does the night ever go away?
is its darkness here to stay?

wow. i could be fooled into thinking that was a quartrain.

watch out world here i come. or specifically, Telawi 4. heh heh.
slippage. it only got worse as the evening wore on. it could be all due to

self-fulfilling prophecies. what we think will happen, will happen. and so, it just went downhill from then on. it's true, i let things slip. but yesterday i just wanted to let go. let it take its course. and so the crap went on and on and on.

187. that was a popular number in the late eighties and nineties. i got murder on my mind.

trust: that's a very very rare concept. and it has, in my view, been shot to bits. my buds, my buds, my lovely childhood bud, why oh why did u go that way. the male species have an implicit trust system imbedded inside and that has been broken. i have lost all respect now. fuck you. fuck off and die. crossing that line and trying to fuck up my life for whatever selfish painful alcohol-induced reason WILL NOT WORK. i am more bouyant than that. people come and people go. so fuck off.

hardcore. is the only way to be.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

one concept that came up in the book i'm reading, Black House, is that of 'slippage'. in the context of that novel, it means something like when everything is just slowly, unnoticeably, declining, slipping ever-so-slowly downhill, til one day everything just crashes in.

i feel that in my existence for the past few days. you can say that shit comes along all at once. slippage. perhaps (and most surely) a lot of it is due to my own doing. everything seems so non-linear, like a higher being just imposed the chaos theory on me.

focus. that's what i need. just fumbling my way through the minutes, hours, days, just won't kick it. it's about effective action. and i'm not doing it. ideas floating about in my head. but whats the use of abstract ideas without substantiation? (damn i love that word, catch it in Kid's Story in The Animatrix.)

main use of PC these days: downloads. getting a kick getting bhangra and hindi songs. panjabi mc's, kuch kuch hota hai, dancehall, ragga. and just heard a song on Red FM called 'Taste my Ice Cream' and five minutes later i got it. this, my friends, is the speed of technology.

and it is that very speed of doing things in this high-tech world and all its expectations and requirements, that makes us wonder, what it's all about. i used to have the idea that i had no need to run the rat race. a simple life, i thought. but Life (the Rat Race variety) just sucked me in. still bloody torturing and tormenting me. it's vicious, every day, having to fight the battle. so tired i am right now. so tired.

and maybe i'm tired and pessimistic because of the boozing last nite! hahahah blame it on the blood sugar levels. woo hoo that was fun. everyone - we recommend Indiana Cafe in Klang. it's open and airy, with efficient and friendly employees (very much so), and good food and cold drinks. half-pissed, i discovered i could speak Spanish... el toro loco!!! heh heh.

okay lah guys and gals i must take my leave. off to the friendly neighbourhood coffeeshop i go.

love ya all

Thursday, July 31, 2003

the main thing i noticed today was a lot of people were talking on their phones while driving. no coppers around ah? as it is i've been apprehended twice for doing the same thing and i don't think i learn my lesson!

my buddy Chris, at 7pm, was at the neighbourhood coffee shop, as he was yesterday. *sigh* needs a big kick in butt, resuscitation of senses. maybe i need a kick too.

my evening is packed, doh. going to KLang in a bit, then to Bdr Tun Razak. its a good day i suppose, zipping here and there.

ohhh i've got a block. later ok babies...

my morning:

12am having beer at Kedai Kopi Soon Seng. big hoo haa with my brother Chris. fun. crisis crisis everywhere we look.
01am slopping down noodles at the speed of night, no doubt helped by the alcohol-abetted munchies.
02am safe and sound at home. put in The Quiet American but lost interest after a while. something doesn't gel in the first 15 minutes. wonder what the acclaim was all about.

0830am sunrise and what a task it is.
0845am crappy talkshow on TV3. put in Groove Armada and rock the house. what a pick me up. nothing like Superstylin' and Fogma to wake those sleepy grey cells...watcha bum bum...
1000am in here to face yet another day. yippee. at least there'll be a substantial amount of time spent outdoors.

see yaaaa

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

what i do first thing in the morning:
1. pee
2. switch telly on, TV3 usually
3. hope it's not dull talk-show.
4. today it was Noddy and also that cartoon based on the 4WD Tamiya cars. the little ones all the 7-year-olds play with in shopping centres. this show is somehow attractive, must be because there's so much movement and running about and dialogue in it.
5. finally shower and get dressed. i find ironing a pleasure in the mornings, objective being to get all the creases out.
6. on way out, i water the plants, checking on my faves - the cili padi, the papaya, and the mango tree. Cili plant looks like it's going to have a bumper season. yummy.

and after item (6) it's all a haze as i meander through the motions of being in a capitalist society.

engrossed in reading Stupid White Men now (hey how many books can i be involved in at one time??!!) and it's really good! lots of truths we don't get to read in the mainstream media. or it could all be fictitious. who ever knows.

was involved in a very serious discussion last night about the merits and demerits of Matrix and Matrix Reloaded, and their parallels with the Star Wars movies (the middle trilogy), and developments in science fiction movies since 2001: A Space Oddysey. wonderful. beginning to like Broadwalk more and more - that's the place in Phileo Damansara I. where everyone (else) knows the lyrics to 'You'll Never Walk Alone'. i don't.

see yaaa

Monday, July 28, 2003

wah lau this evening's traffic was horrendous. two hours on the road. think i'll get a bicycle. or walk. or rollerblade. always wanted to do that but somehow never got down to getting a pair and zipping around. faster than jogging and i do love speed...

dinner time is nigh! same shit different day. curry laksa should be good for the palate.

and i shall settle down to reading again. in the middle of this one called Black House by Stephen King & Peter Straub. interesting but can't keep my eyes open. and the black cover scares me.

goodnight y'all!

Thursday, July 24, 2003

ok.. here i am. safe and sound. pilot on plane last night must be dreaming of his EVO 7 parked in KLIA cos he drove the plane close to speed of sound. 800-plus kmh i believe. arrived KLIA about half hour earlier than the scheduled time of 11.40pm. had to circle above the airport and go real slow in order to make the schedule. chap didnt bother braking much on the runway too. heard passengers comment, wow why is this plane going so fast?

airplane pilots are overpaid bus drivers. instead of plunging into ravines on the North-South Highway, pilots just crash into mountains, oceans, padi fields, runways, et al. i have a slight fear of flying. i think i need to be in control of the vehicle at all times.

bought in the past few days: shorts, traditional wooden shield (half-size only), tuak, buah salak, some fragrant wood said to drive mozzies away, and a Smiley toy (three-eyed as in Evolution, so rare lah!) which is now hanging at the rear-view mirror.

i need to sleep. too bad i'm not gonna get any. too much fun stuff to do around. time to do the shisha tonight... it's in the air... strawberries and apples and oranges... yeah!


Monday, July 21, 2003

hi guys! in Miri at the moment, couldn't resist updating my blog! heheh there is a dearth of Net cafes here, and they don't have the exuberance and noise and energy of the gaming cafes back in the Valley.

miri is nice place! a true-blue Kay-Elle dude could never get used to it though. here's what i found: nice beaches. clean, unbelievably so, public bathrooms and toilets. traffic-less roads. HUGE roundabouts! so quaint. clean air. and ALL that distinguishes it from the cesspool i call home.

only one trait i don't like that seems entrenched in Malaysian culture: rude, uninformed, disrespectful service. or rather, the people who should be 'of service'. jeez will malaysians ever learn that the customer is the one putting grub on their tables?

and so i look forward to another 2 days of beaches, waterfalls, and clean air. it is rather hot though, this place being by the sea. the people do not seem to be in a rush for anything. takes some to get used to.

lovely tan i'm getting laaaah!!!!


Friday, July 18, 2003

jeeezzuzzz lost my post for the morning. crikey can anything go right this morning??? lesson is: backup. crucial for IT stuff.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

was enjoying my usual morning routine- trip to bank, bought the paper, opened the paper... now, did the headline had to say something like, Clerk Not Raped, only Bruises? hey, the woman's dead. what relevance at all did the fact she wasn't violated before being strangled to death? somehow editors' sensitivies aren't the same anymore, and sensationalism seems the order of the day. blame the Malay Mail for that lah. if only to tittilate the male senses would such a headline exist. jeez.

i'm very impressed with my download speeds now, about 8-10 times faster than before lehh!!! getting ICQ took just about 3 minutes! please welcome me to the digital world, i am but a simpleton...

going to distribute brochures in a while. so if u see anyone holding lotsa pink papers - that's me! heh heh heh.

i think blue suits me. today for example: blue car, blue shirt, blue pants, blue watch. hmmppphhh. couldnt find the blue socks and haven't seen any decent blue men's shoes either. would it be too flamboyant?

so - guy in (mostly) blue, getting out of blue car, holding pink papers. that's me for the day. must make note to buy blue-coloured paper next. : )

One Hour Photo was a really good movie. suspense and shocks from beginning to end. recommended viewing, dudes!

love n peace

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

hi guys!

wow what a long nite it was. mostly spent around the Subang area... had a good jog in the evening, then long dinner exchanging grandfather stories among the 3 of us. then just as i was settling down to One Hour Photo, my aunt and cuz calls me for supper, all the way to USJ 9. good food, this Rest Tanjung. too bad abt the MPSJ pricks who were lounging / camping nearby, disallowing any chance of sitting out in the beautiful open.

then was at this place called Cafe 7 - nice and airy, pool tables, good music. missing was a dancefloor and higher decibel range. will be there again.

damn! lots of crap was happening today. my printer refuses to work properly. my PC is as always its usual self in need of some RAM transfusion. i screwed my database up, losing 2 weeks of information. damn frustrating lah.

in office now. Jamal Abdillah songs being sung. surreal. also antiquated Wings. we are a weird bunch especially when stressed. or bored. or both.

us no-lifers. we're going to Uncle Don, again, tonite. something about the air there i suppose. *sigh* i'll never get down to finishing One Hour Photo.

probably the only thing that went OK was the Streamyx installation. achievement for day: installing network card. simple plug and play. if only the rest of my PC is so cooperative. now i will have no life, in front of PC all my weekend.

i think i've been sitting in this confined space for too long. brain freeze. go out and breathe fresh air. get the blood going. get on with rest of night. yeah babyyyy!!!

Monday, July 14, 2003

laa laa laa la la it's a happy monday isn't it, sun is shining, the birds are singing, the cows are.... milking?!!! errr... somehow lost the flow there.

how was sunday? i'd rather it had been all to myself. it was one of those days when i needed to keep away from humans. so first thing i did was to eat at the kedai kopi after buying the Sunday Star (human contact required). then to the Popular Book Centre at Pearl Point - not the hippest of shopping centres but the closest and it wouldn't be packed with 1.2 million people, like Midvalley. Popular has some good bargains hidden in the racks, i discovered. got meself Mario Puzo's The Family (hardcover,First Edition,2001) for only 16.90. wonder if it will appreciate with time. check e-bay in 20 years' time.

bought my aunt a gift too, book called 'Sari & Sins', wonder if it's any good. among the bargains i should be getting is one Stephen King compile, which includes the novellas Shawshank Redemption and Apt Pupil. only 12.90 bah! this week it shall be mine... only complaint is that not enough rack space is dedicated to books. so all we get is a few titles as compared to Kinokuniya and MPH. but can do lah for an afternoon without having to face the herds...

aaahhh! the dvd sellers are back in action! heheheheh i need my fix after a month of deprivation! too many re-runs of my old movies. so i bought One Hour Photo with Robin Williams, and Joy Ride, featuring Paul Walker, the cutie from The Fast & The Furious (is the sequel any good?). watched Joy Ride, not too bad, can pass time last night. One Hour Photo looks very promising, so that shall be on the agenda for tonight. bring out the instant noodles, okay! heheheh.

evening was spent putting flyers into postboxes- gotta promote the business, you know! so if u come across A4-sized pink ones, don't throw them away, check it out... and of course was at Uncle Don's for dinner and shisha. i think i kena jampi already lah, can't resist being there a few times a week. not minding the expensive prices and the 20 minute drive to get there... what is the fascination with the place eh? must be the good singalong music. DEFINITELY NOT the giant photo stuck on the wall! have you seen that? no, it can't be viewed from the moon, but from the main road, yes! too much detail, i say...

so went my sunday, my supposed day of rest. i have weekdays which have less to do! ah well. at least i don't have Monday blues. getting everything in perspective from the first minute helps a lot...

okay mateys - have a good one then.

love n peace

Friday, July 11, 2003

back again after an absence! i'm pretty tired right now. seems this week has passed so quickly! at least it never seemed dreary. just back from a 24-hour trip to Penang. two appointments and we were back. i think we just needed to get out of the big bad city, Gab and i. well, did manage to shack up for the night with my family, who were conveniently on holiday and residing at the Crown Prince Hotel. and even better, the 10th of July was also both my granny's and Gab's birthdays, so we had a little midnight song and present-opening session! hehehe cute. got gab ( he's a bookworm ) that book, Stupid White Men, which has been consistently on the bestseller lists in this country for much of this year. anyone got a copy of Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine?

we did waste the afternoon sleeping, when i really wanted to bum by the pool and the beach. a gorgeous afternoon... didn't even manage to satisfy my craving for good char koay teow; the one we ate near the Sunway Hotel was crap. sorry to say lah, i think some stalls here serve better addiction-inducing fried noodles. u might want to try the stall in Bandar Park, Jln Mega Mendung, which is somewhere off Jln Klang Lama and OUG. this is in the shoplot at the corner, opposite the RHB Bank and the car showroom (Proton, issit?). trying to recall the name of the girl who runs the stall. jeez. old age playing tricks with my memory. good stuff, the char koay teow there.

so sad to have missed the blogger meetup. please let there be another one! preferable weekday nites or sundays...

my weekend was practically spent hanging out, predominantly at Absolut Chemistry. this is one hot place at Telawi 2, superb (though commercial) R&B and hiphop. probably be hanging there tonight as well, weather and time permitting. me and my bud Chris were cruising on Sat-Sun morning, and found Backroom closed or not open yet? at 4am i thought there'd be a traffic jam leading up to the place, but all we found were empty parking spaces. anyone with info on wassup? just when we wanted to party til the sun came up! well, found one place still happening, Waikiki in PJ Kelab Syabas, but it was packed to the gills. worried that the balcony might fall just like that party in the US. absolutely no place to stand and have a drink even! must be all those backroom chappies relocating for the night. so hard to find a place to party and greet the rising of the sun...

have a fun weekend!

love n peace

Thursday, July 03, 2003

as usual it is raining out there. what's with this season, eh? first it was blady hot for 2 or 3 weeks, then it's raining every evening (timed perfectly for peak hour) for the past 3 weeks. my buddy Gab is stuck somewhere in Jln Gasing. i thought i'd be trapped in Balakong, but fortunately it was quite alright. must learn not to drive impatiently on wet days. pesky motorbike riders always tend to be in front at the worst of times.

been online for the past half hour. using the net without purpose can get very boring fast. i wonder then, why did i apply for the Streamyx service today. the thought of having faster speeds gives me a thrill-lah! and the fact that i can surf and still receive calls and faxes. nice. anything bad i should know about broadband?

Pervie Puppie's resting at home. he's found a place on top of the bookcase. looks comfortable beside the Chemical Brothers CD cover, the last release with Come With Us. it's designed like an LP cover - how nostalgic. love the design. but Pervie Puppie's bored cos he misses Daffy. Daffy's gone, took a flight and went away, leaving us in tears. it's gonna be alright, Puppie. it's gonna be alright.

my head's heavy. need some dinner. *sigh* i gotta learn to cook lah cos i'm fed up of eating out. SSDD. last thing i made? chick-kut-teh! amazing. apart from the excessive soya sauce in the soup, it turned out all right. three cheers for me!

ok lah then... have a nice thursday. where's the party at ah... there's something going on at The Disco, perhaps i shall check it out. time to lap up the grooves, loud and hottt!!! see yaaaa

Monday, June 30, 2003

it was sunday and it was good. was at PD (hey, thats the nearest beach isnt it for us urbanites, sadly) with GTC and Daffy. Pervie Puppie was there too. i always love getting my tan. and just having my feet in the sand. i think twice about frolicking in the waters though. but this time was fun cos we got on the banana boat thingy, it was my first time doing it. so hey hey off we went, trailing behind a motorboat. all of a sudden, SPLASH!!! we were in the water, having been thrown off by some quick maneouvering (spelling correct ah?) by the driver. hehehhe the other people don't swim so they did look a bit scared in the water... poor chappies and chappettes.

main activity for today - EATING! wow there was all sorts, let's list em out: fried rice, char koay teow, durians, pizza, Indomie (the real thing from Indonesia, not the ones on the shelves here - Malaysian Duty not paid, har har), nasi campur, Mungo Jerry (wooh, five star food as always), the Uncle's place, and who knows where else i'll pop by later. i think i need a laxative. me and my sis, we actually made it an experience to brew laxatives in the night before sleeping, then wake up in the morning, rush for the toilet, then grin and compare notes. wacky but true. my sis... she's left-of-centre like me, but she's pretty mainstream now, with a hubby and kid... the old days..

i feel fat now. given the state of health i'm in, todays food intake was pretty overboard! so - vegetarian for the coming week?!! mmm. there's a nice restaurant near my house, with lots of stuff masquerading as meat. yummy. wantan mee also can look like real.

ok then - running off now to my next place of culinary delights. mmm... naan and chicken sounds good, doesnt it??!!! take care, til next time.


Friday, June 27, 2003

my fave toy now: a little handpuppet from Toys R Us, a puppy. it's providing me endless hours of fun! normally it's a Pervie Puppie.... ; )

hello guys! how you all been?

was at Uncle's place again last night, with my old pal Surin. it's really nice to chill out to some good shisha. mmm. starting my addiction again after my bout with the flu. think my fave flavours has gotta to be the banana-apricot combination, or if u're there ask for the banana-orange-cherry. it was the first flavour i ever had and it was pretty good. but that also depends on the person making it, whether the ratios are just right for that chill-out experience...

went to this place called Subang 2 for an appointment. it's really nice to have good coffee / espresso smells first thing in the morning! good pick-me-up, that one, and it was on the client too : ) . missed a turning on way back and ended up among some nurseries - so now i'm the proud daddy of 5 little cacti plants, all different shapes and species. have read about how many types of cacti there are out there, and looking at the ones in the nursery, i'd say WOW! cos the few types they had were already so cute and varied. now they sit atop the aircond unit, waiting to be repositioned in a more aesthetic manner. if only i had a digital camera i'd take a shot. Carrefour has one for below RM400, 2 Megapixel and all. should i get that? hehehheh time to splurge a bit eh. then you can all get up-to-date shots of all the places i go and my photo-taking skills. NOT!

well, gotta go now, so will see ya soon, ok. take good care and do be naughty over the weekend ; )

love n peace

Monday, June 23, 2003

hey guys what's happening. it's raining out there and i'm getting nervous about the traffic. contemplating on a trip to the Uncle's place in Sri Hartamas. sounds like fun to cool off after a day out there.

love and peace, babies.

here in the office talking about the scary people out there. that gal who was abducted from BSC. damn, they could assault her, but to CHOP her legs off, strangle her, burn her to bits? fuck this is crazy crazy crazy. we need some vigilante action out here. u know, some Bronson and Eastwood shit gotta go down.

hey, if these guys wanted to shag, or some hardcore SM, i'm sure there'll be some woman out there a willing partner. goddammit. i'm afraid to walk out of my house.

goodnite then, chappies. do something special for the nite, ok, whatever it may be. leave a smile on someone, leave em off better than before. taaaa !!

Thursday, June 19, 2003

postscript to the yesterday's post:
i know this guy, and he's into weed and shit, even those that require needles.
he's now a policeman.

enuff said.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

again, i state : i have no respect for the police, and all govt institutions which has a uniform. cop told me, i have to hormat (respect) him. i ask myself, what has he done to deserve my respect at all? most of em act like jerks, with that silly looking moustache and big fat pot bellies. they only act after a bit of greasing. sickening little piggies. yucks yucks yucks. any suggestions how to shake up the civil service?

hey guys and gals. am alive. after 2 weeks am still coughing and sneezing and phlegming so went to see the GP again, and this time it's working better. must be a GP conspiracy, first visit, give crappy cheap medicines, then on the 2nd visit, proper medicines that work. so they make sixty bucks from me, instead of just thirty if they had done their jobs. hey, doctors are profit-making humans too, u know. dopeheads and alcoholics too, some of em. we're just a nation of sleazebuckets.

had my encounter with the cops recently, when three friggin drunkards bumped into my car on the Federal Highway. shit - moral of story being, must drive faster than everyone else so that no-one can inflict this sorta crap. there i was cruising back home at around 70+ kmh, this ass' car swerves right into my front fender. chappie doesn't stop so i give chase (just like in the movies) all the way to Midvalley area, and (as in movies) i cut him off and slow down to a stop. the idiot doesn't, and crashes into my rear bumper. goddammit the stoopeed farking piece of shit, 3 occupants were drunk, the driver was without a driving licence. so fast-forward a bit, the 3 asses were escorted to the police station in KL, while i did all the necessary reporting. sick thing is, even with those idiots at the station and my reports, my gut feeling tells me they'll just go off free. pissheads. death to all drunk drivers. funny thing is, in all my years of driving intoxicated, i've never crashed into anyone. luck on my side. damn me too.

father's day was spent at Coca Thai Rest. at Subang Parade. wow it was a hive of activity. lunch was expensive, though presented well. much better value at the local steamboat shop. soon, soon. thinking about food is getting me hungry, and no wonder cos all i had for breakfast was one thosai and teh tarik. nice change from the usual heavy stuff. must be in veggie mood. try to extend that the whole day lah. feels good not having too much meat inside. seems digestive system less stressed.

cold in here, wonder why. need more heat? heh heh. yawn... gotta get to work now. get back to the wild outdoors. hope no drunk drivers in the day. stay away from me and my shiny set of wheels, okay??!!

have a nice day!

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

hi again, blog. here i am after about a week. that darned cough and cold i caught from KCH isnt gone yet, but no fever so i presume i'm SARS-free.

wow - was along Klang Road last night at the time of the great floods. was worried cos saw groups of people opposite the market, was thinking whether anyone fell into a sinkhole or something like that. well, lots of homes were damaged and flooded out, as well as cars being washed away. this is like a routine thing for the chappies who live there, those houses along the river and behind the post office / market. last time we even had fridges floating by... took a drive at 1am, traffic still slow cos of all the rubbish all over the place, the road is ruined, and people trying to rescue their belongings and cleaning up. messed up the place was. add to that all the construction and road works. recipe for disaster. and since it happened all over town, that says a lot about the safety and degradation of the environment in the city. planners still don't get it about green cover and all that. everything in cement, much neater and easier to maintain, isn't it. this is the price to pay.

ah well. back again soon, got loads to do today. suddenly got a number of orders to fulfill today and tomorrow, which is good for my overall health, and specifically my bank balance : ) . all the better cos i gotta cough up the payments for my new set of wheels... hee hee...

see yaaaa !!!

Thursday, June 05, 2003

hi am back again. ok let me see - was in Kuching, didn't get to rest much, caught a bug, and been pretty much down and offline with work for the past 3 days. it's a powerful bug i brought back oh, lucky it hasn't infected anyone i've come into contact with. let's just hope it's not the dreaded SARS thingy. we shall know, if my condition gets worse in 6-7 days... will keep u posted.

it was really hectic time in Kuching... we shacked up at this really nice place, the Merdeka Palace, which is across the Padang Merdeka. u get the drift, our Malaysian originality at names. everything being Merdeka this and Merdeka that. anyway, it is a lovely place, recommended. only touristy thing we did was to go to the pottery factories and buy stuff. wow, everything looks so good, our entourage almost took everything back with us. next time i'll get that lamp... hee hee. got to see how the chappies handcraft the pottery. just like that scene from Ghost... : )

then there was the wedding day... wanted to doze off at church, quite normal isnt it. aiyoh, i think i cerita later on, got work to do now... so sayonara my darlings!


Thursday, May 29, 2003

hi dudes and dudettes!

can't wait to get some makan... greasy noodles (as some Americans put it) again i suppose. highlight of the week: jetting off to Kuching tonite! my buddy Gab is getting married, ceremonially. he's already been wedded officially / at the Registry. but in the eyes of society, he gotta do the whole ceremony and dinner gang-bang. and so off i go! hehehe his folks are gonna get shock cos i'm gonna turn up in one of those Indian kurta's or whatever u call em. we gonna rock the party with some bhangra, dude... mmm, where to get the CD with such short notice, ah.

and so for the weekend i shall be taking a breather. jeez i need to get my head cleared. relax, bring my blood pressure down (definitely need that) and not think about making ends meet for one weekend. love it love it love it. wearing new clothes, new shoes, new scenery, fresh air (i think! shud be better than KL). keep u posted on the action!

breakfast time! c yaaaaa


Monday, May 26, 2003

movie quote time:
in The Matrix: ..follow the white rabbit...
in The Sweetest Thing: .. oooh fuck the purple elephant...

what's all this animal action going around in Hollywood laarrrrr...

oh have u caught the 'Your Penis is So Big' Hindi-style segment which u only get on the DVD ; ) --- damn it cracks me up EVERY time i see it, think i'll do it again tonight. just the thing to perk up another shitty pointless day. i can identify with those Nepalese chappies who just sit and hang around the mountains all day waiting for visions of Buddha. hey Nepal tours at only RM1500 or so. maybe try one this year while the SARS paranoia is going on.

i vote The Sweetest Thing the best movie in my collection. ok lah, maybe tied with the Kevin Smith movies, and The Matrix...

eh i'm bored. anyone wanna call me and drop me encouraging words?

hungry now. damn i'm having a headache wondering what to eat. it's like, same shit different day, every day. like, last nite, resorting to eating nasi lemak bungkus while driving around Kg Baru with Sweet Daffy. damn can't find the way to the Roses Restaurant, the one with the superb nasi lemak. anyone with directions, please leave em here.

makan time! take care and goodnites.

Friday, May 23, 2003

wow. went to the income tax department. question: why do govt staff tend to be one or more of all of the above: sulky; lazy; unseen; rude; inefficient; impolite. add more to the list as you see fit. next time you enter any jabatan - ask the counter staff where their Piagam Pelanggan is. that's the Customer Charter, the creed by which us clients should be accorded with. i asked one such person before where this Piagam is. generally there should be one hung somewhere in the department. and the response of this person was, expectedly, 'apa tu? tak de lah'. *sigh* our goddammed country is never gonna move anywhere unless our peoples move up the scale in terms of customer service and general business efficiency. in the past week i've been pissed off by so many people that i've almost given up. the countless times when my orders were forgotten despite reminders; requests not entertained; that sorta thing. the whole shitty tidak-apa attitude of the general populace and sadly, business community. hey, i'm wondering, how do these chinamen businesses make money when they're a bunch of sulky pricks and pussies??? damn and i'm wallowing in near-bankruptcy, and i know my service is class-A, dudes. shits.

well at least one chappie is not gonna gain from his slowness. was looking for a car to buy, but the sales chap really took his time in getting back to me on my loan, so - fuck you, i moved on to someone else and now they're gonna be enriched by me. fools.

wow why am i pissy. need my medication. hic. or must be low blood sugar after the 3 drinks i had last nite? hee hee. love n peace.

Thursday, May 22, 2003

cough cough... woke up this morning with the dreaded hack-hack-hack sound of potential SARS. everybody so takut these days. even the roads and business places are noticeably quieter. not good at all for some food joints. i know, my fave burger stall is too darn quiet. which is bad cos it looks like i'm never gonna get a return on my investment.

spent the past 2 days a-huffing and a-puffing trying to put together a customer's order. wow must be getting older cos it was a tiring ordeal. moral of the story is: get organized, get everything in order and make plenty of lists so as not to forget any essential items. err - that should be part of my forthcoming non-fiction self-help book, tentatively called 'Follow The White Rabbit.' No doubt partly inspired by the opening scenes of The Matrix. Which i watch almost every other day. damn it's addictive. can't say the same of the second movie. perhaps after i get the DVD and we get the pesky censorship board out of the way, and pic is much clearer... beautiful thing about the first one is, every sentence seems to have a meaning, some nuance, an alliteration, which may be pondered upon. wow.

aiyah what to have for dinner ah. think i'll skip that and attempt to lower my cholesterol levels, what do you think. and my BP too... taa taa, mateys... gooodnite...


Thursday, May 15, 2003

hmmm... flu's better after 2 days of antibiotics. did not want to go to the GP but Darlin' Dancin' Daffy insisted, so... got 2 kinds of white round pills, and pink oval pills which makes you sleepy. only for nights, that one.

it's a lovely downcast public holiday and i'm sitting at my office. dedicated to my work, i am. har. damn printer just won't work properly - the yellow coloured ink seems stuck so colour prints look weird. jeez, have to take it home, open it up, and do some manual cleaning style.

izzit my imagination or did my visitor numbers just increase by leaps and bounds? wow. thank you, all of you, for dropping by. do leave your comments and site so i may drop by too! love you all.

been attempting to book tickets for Matrix Reloaded but they're fully booked til next Monday. damn. did u all watch The Animatrix? interesting but can't beat the first movie. it does provoke thought though, perhaps cos there are a number of open endings there. far out, dudes.

time to run, mateys. Josh Groban is on TV? heh. fag.


Tuesday, May 13, 2003

wow-wee! in trouble lor... had running nose yesterday, today a scratchy throat. in the light of SARS paranoia... HELPPP!!!! off to the GP i go.

whoa - it's 2 days off this week eh. bad for me cos i won't get my work done :( . gone are the days when i'd be happy to greet a public holiday. now, it's The More Working Days The Better cos more time to make money... yeah.

and it's Goodbyes to my ole faithful Proton Satria... i believe its nick was 'White Puppy'. oh i can't say we had really good times together, it was pretty much a workhorse. but... bye bye cutie...

off for dinner i go now. or is it for a spot of jogging. happy hols everyone!


Thursday, May 08, 2003

found out something new this week: in the light of SARS and other incurable diseases, there's a new thing spreading in the medical fraternity: Tension Headaches (TH). am having a good laugh over this. well, you see, my darling daffy went over to the clinic this morning cos she was too 'stressed' to go to work, so off to the regular clinic she went. and on the medical chit was written,'Tension Headaches'. ooooh i'd hate to have that malady, lor. sounds crippling. like arthritis or rheumatism. A.I.D.S, S.A.R.S, T.H.S ? well, since all of em end with an 's' we'll add the word 'Syndrome' to TH. hmmm... a new psychosomatic disease, eh. goodie for those of us with Monday Blues (or any day of the week you wanna skip work, i say!).

brings back memories of the good ole days when i was doing Audit. didn't feel like going to work? go see the neighbourhood GP, state job, and i'll get immediate empathy. so simple. doctors assume auditors have lots of stress. har. in those days i'd more probably have a hangover lah. beers plus half bottle of JD - DEFINITELY immediate cause of TH, eh!!! yeah baby.

aiyah, 5pm, time to move on with work in the wild outdoors. think it's raining out there with the traffic building up today. i think people are fed up with the SARS paranoia, so some form of normalcy is called for.

have a fun nite!

love n peace

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

huh... is white the new black?
finally caught X2 last night. so-so only lah... that's the problem with sequels, there's a seen-this-all-before feeling. they're trying to get the Anna Paquin character to have sex. Perhaps in the third movie, eh. she's come pretty far since The Piano.

been here in the office for the day. doing my backdated tax returns. headache lor. seems in 2001 i made a loss. bad. no wonder i don't have good recollections of that year. lots of bad times and personal rollercoasters, i think. well - can't wait to get outta this office and out in the open. of course more work to do after.... work is good, don't you think so.

coming back to movies, think i'm more into touchy-feely movies these days. stuff like, Bread And Tulips, The Sweetest Thing (damn i really love that movie, must watch it again.) and of course, like teddybwear and half of Malaysia, we're all watching the Pramugara Yang Melampau movie - hee hee! it wins my awards for Best Acting, Best Sound Effects, and Best Dialogue. honest, straight-on procreating. most laff-out-loud line: 'Shall i shoot it in you?', goes the main guy. hee hee!!! funny as hell, lah.

off i go. must do something different and interesting tonight. or else i'll just drift into self-induced mediocrity. let you all know about it, ok.


Monday, May 05, 2003

eh.. why no-one put comments in wan ah. i live on your feedback...

wah lau - the other day i was at Sunway Pyramid wanting to catch X2, but the line was so frigging long leh. so ended up having cheesecake and chocolate cake at Secret Recipe. yummy. One thing crossed my mind - the ads / pics on the walls, hardly represents the clientele that walk in. typical lah, of the whole ad industry.

wow looks like a busy week. aiyah, pening lah, have to find ways to make money lor. any ideas? put em down, okay.

enjoy then...

love n peace

Friday, May 02, 2003

there's an interesting discourse / mud-slinging session going on over at hani's site. it's a time tested debate: sex, morality, religion, that sorta bull.

oh bullocks!

truth is, we all like having a bonk. for those who haven't tried it before - you don't know what you're missing. before, i did use to have huge moral dilemmas which could have led to some serious Multiple Personality Disorder-type scenarios. i think i reconciled with myself and am much better off for it now.

it's a huge thing, the battle between what our belief systems tell us (oh piety, over-rated piety, for even the cardinals get their kicks with the little boys), and what our bodies want us to do (i surrender to my body electric). cause for serious mental instability, that. what if we choose both paths? where does that place us in the eyes of the Moral Majority (half of em hypocritical, anyways).

i'd say, go with the flow, babies. Make Love, Not War.

came home at 5.25am. had a few drinks too many, and now my head is heavy... people talk a lotta rubbish at that hour, you know. some stuff cannot be repeated even! heh heh. won't take much guesswork - a bunch of inebriated guys, what else can they talk about? adoi... my head...

Friday, April 25, 2003

let me tell you about my trip to the jungle. after Sunday, give me a cemented path, anytime.

130-odd people set off. lesser yet finished the course. took my team six-and-a-half hours to go up that 300m hill and back down again. shit. look at the scratches. worse, my legs are threatening to leave my body. aiyo... should've kept fit lah. pity didn't have time to catch the sights and sounds of Nature - all on my mind was, when is this all going to end, and, focussing on going on (no retreat, no surrender was the battle-cry!).

today Friday. my legs still ache. sob sob. enough is enough. lost about 3kgs in the process too, u know. har har!!!

maybe i'm just a sadist and like the pain and agony. i said to my darling, I'm NOT going to sign up for next year's event, and she replied, but of course you are... har har har!!! yes i most probably will... mind over matter, mateys.

see ya all and have excellent weekend.

love n peace