Friday, May 31, 2002

think i'm getting teh tarik withdrawal symptoms. haven't had one since... err... 2.30am. i fought off the urge at lunch today (1.00pm) which was uncalled for. I WANNA MY TEH TARIK!!! why did i ever say no to a lovely teh tarik, i wonder... crazy me!!!

well, teh tarik is a mighty good diversion away from the harsh realities of life. okay, i know i'm a lazy, under-achieving, slacker dude, but for me to have to go to the frigging court next Tuesday due to my financial irresponsibilities? this is too much to bear.... ouch. this pain, even more than the S-M i crave for.... dripping candle wax, anyone?

only one thing for me to do - get to work. such an easy answer. get my backside off this seat and actually achieve some stuff. quite easily done, i must say. which makes my pain even greater.

see ya

Thursday, May 30, 2002

have not had my teh tarik, kurang manis, for today. i did have a teh peng, though, and what a scary teh ais it was. firstly, these chaps at the coffeeshop had run out of ice. so the chap, elderly fellow that he is, started scraping the freezer for whatever ice that had formed in there. uurrrggghhh. even yuckier: i drank it all.

and the beauty of it was: being at the coffeeshop and not having my usual brewed, fermented, bottled drinks. i AM getting stronger by the day!

aiyoh... lost whatever i was spouting earlier. goddamm and i thought i was making some sense.

right now i have one choice to make, and it seems remarkably deep at this point: shall i go to the mamak stall, or not??? the grand questions that bugs me at this point - to have the maggi goreng with chicken or without? the answer's obvious. chicken rocks! of course mutton is the king of all meat lah, but... i don't think my heart / blood cholesterol will appreciate it now. especially as i haven't been on my biking / jogging routine. so many things to do, so much to see, so much to experience...

Is this a life of beauty? Do we live every single moment as if it was a new one, with new choices to make?! Yes yes and yes. Oh how i want to live every moment, shining, brilliant, and being the most excellent i can ever be. Forgetting the disappointments of the last minute, and living THIS moment as if everything counted on it. Like it was the last one, my last breath...

I'd have the maggi with chicken, please. Together with life-enhancing hot cup of teh tarik, kurang manis, of course.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

am back from the land of the living.

was at the beach the other day. i found out how Tanjung Biru (Blue Lagoon) in port dickson got its name. the moon, by some trick of nature, bathes the entire place in a sheen of blue. it's almost surreal. everything's in a blue hue. remarkable.

i can't seem to access this blog! what the f is wrong lah... hmm let's try posting this, and see if we can access it. hey nohopestalker, put me back on your links! huh.

Really, this movie has not much going for it, but - on a boring day this is packed with laughs and silly college humour. Puts the smile back on your face, and ready for your dreaded MOndays. And there's the boy-meets-girl-fights-with-girl-and-get-back-together happy ending. GOD i'm a sucker for happy lovey-dovey endings. I know i deserve a happy ending myself... : )
