Friday, September 12, 2003

hey it's Friday.

me and my mates are off to this place called Dreamz in DU, it's a pub on the first floor, but it's got good music and cold beer, what more could a dude ask for. and last Friday... phew! Azman Warren performed some great classics lah. our hair collectively stood when he played Child In Time and Stairway to Heaven. now here's a good performer who's paid his dues and deserves some of the limelight. hey, the place got our attention til four in the morning, so some magic must have transpired.

so, mateys, more of the same tonight, even more so as we gather more dudes to pop by... yippee!

i'm beginning to dig this futsal thing. was at Sports Barn on Mon nite, and eventually got the hang of the game. i'm one wannabe, got boots and all, but just for the looks only...! now i actually look forward to the next game! what a workout it was... feels good lah!

dinner awaits me! authentic nasi padang, here we come!

Thursday, September 11, 2003

caught this movie called Irreversible. it's one of those movies i watch with my mouth open, and saying 'whoa' to myself. when i picked up this movie, there was a guy who said i would need a strong stomach. he wasn't kidding. my tummy was turning around watching some scenes. talk about graphic, straight-ahead, visual violence.

and the directing and the camera angles... 'whoa!' this was one of the reasons my mouth was agape half the movie. Hollywood is at least 2 years away from this kind of creativity. wow. and the colours... gritty, dark, disturbing when required; bright, cheery, sharp, and rich when the scene required that atmosphere. the contrast here, the duality (that's a fave word of mine, isn't it). this movie kicks ass. and Monica Bellucci? well, she's always eye candy in the movies she's in, apart from a little more substance in 'Malena'(playing kissy-face with Keanu in Matrix Reloaded). and she succeeds very well at that, doesn't she...

got meself T3 too but left it on the roof of the car and so... it flew away, sob sob. it's just another quirk of mine... anyone else fond of losing stuff after leaving 'em on the car roof?

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

i sound like bimbo-meh???

today i spent most of my day in Proton Edar service centre, 8am - 3.15pm. they were lucky i'm rather sanguine or i would have blown my top like the last time. *sigh* what to do... so much stress induced from the lepak and take it easy attitude of employees.

oh i also got screwed today, work-wise. i'll spare the details but i suppose i deserve it. more soul-searching. MM-ing.

and more 'work' for the rest of the night. good for me. bills are piling up and waiting to be paid. any of you angels out there wanna send me a hundred or two? har har.

g'nite then mateys, love n peace.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

there's been two movies of late which have been really cool...

one's the Pirates movie with Johnny Depp - it's just so much fun! for an original sorta bash, this is it. almost the best movie of the year, so far, apart from Matrix Reloaded, which is just 2 or 3 points behind...

the other, which i was just watching again this morning, is Finding Nemo. whoa, the colours are just so brilliant and lush, the settings remarkable, and the animation is just... awesome! funny too, with all sortsa characters. the surfer dude turtle, for one.

but of all the characters, i didn't think i'd be
You are NIGEL!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

i wanna be the shark, cos Fish are my friends...


p.s. Orlando Bloom, for one, doesn't look gay here, for the most part. can't stand the g-boy poster look in LOTR laaaa. will he be wearing a dress in the next LOTR movie?