Thursday, October 14, 2004

i did catch Jersey Girl after all. and no matter what the critics say, it is a good movie, with a heartwarming story that holds your interest... so to the critics out there, UP YOURS! Kevin Smith lives on! hmm... long time havent gone to their site... time to check it out for the latest projects...
did u read about the guy in China who wanted to name his kid '@' ? think he should take some time off the computer. couldn't he stick to 'Bill' like the rest of dads who want their children to emulate the Big Bro of computing??? oh, my sister's hubby's called Bill. yeah baby. me, i prefer Alota Fagina.....

my sis, just had a baby, her name's Caitlin or something like that. apart from the oh-so-anglophile name, she is just so adorable! smiles so much with those eyes shining bright. i wish her luck in this bad mad world we are in...

and the fact she lives in Planet Klang (that's what i named the place lately!) where people just act and think
different from the rest of us. no details or facts, it just is. what a load of bias us KL-ites have, eh?!!

my...steam...running... out....