Wednesday, July 31, 2002

haahahaa i know now which Powerpuff Girl i am....

Which PPG are you?

how true. i AM a homo sapiens adorabilis.

next thought of the moment - what to have for tea??? i'm gaining the kilos, so i should have nothing heavier than a roti kosong. actually i haven't got an appetite, just that i hate the hungry, empty-stomach feeling which i know i'll have around 9pm...

can't wait for the movie to open. let's hope it gets more than a U / G rating so we might get a chance to see some blood and dismemberment. yummy.

time to plug a movie:

caught The Eye last night. It is DAMN GOOD lahhhh! more amazing that i actually understood the dialogue. it was in simpler Canto, much more so than Hongkong movies. simple scripts make for good scary movies. actually jumped in my seat. heheh

it's such a quiet day. think i should go to my office and do stuff, look busy, pretend like i have a job. could actually get some work done.

or i could go to sleep and let reality pass me by. i'll be content in the dreams of my own creation. my little fantasies that could not be.

good nite

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

i'm getting emotionally attached to my DVD player. it's a beauty, silver facade. tacky buttons and all, though. i'm sure you know what i mean, these no-brand electrical items never get their designs right. oh, the features are just lovely. i switch off mid-way thru a movie (Blade II, to be precise) and when i turn it back on, it automatically starts at the place where i stopped. simply marvellous.

Monday, July 29, 2002

aiyahhhh all my links all gone, have to start anew... waste time lorrrr....
No 643. there is actually hope, that there is someone who reads this blog.

i am full of spontaneity. tonight i just thought i'd get myself a DVD player. and now i have one, sitting alongside my well-worn and utilised Panasonic VCD player. gone are the days of having to get up mid-way to plop in disc 2. a bummer though - my Austin Powers, The Spy Who Shagged Me, does not work. damn. really spoilt the whole evening. it skips and jams somewhere around the Jerry Springer-Dr Evil-Scott Evil scene. damn, just when things heat up.

one thing to watch out for in these cheapo Made-In-China electrical equipment - they leak electricity. i found out the hard way, when plugging in the many cables. plus it seems to emit a lot of heat for a player that consumes 30 watts. and don't China-made products
have a tendency to blow up as well??? please do keep me informed of any real cases.

latest habit then - DVD shopping! lemme see - the 2 Austin Powers movies (let's not include Goldmember, don't feel like one of em cinema-copies where we get to see the silhouettes of people coming into the cinema late, as well as the toilet-goers), 2001,2010, and was there ever a 3010? i think there was but can't recall for sure. the guy at the stall the other day was trying to push a 3- and 5- hour porn DVD. now... THAT will be a cure for insomnia!!! jeeezzzz how much of the missionary can we take?

gonna catch my zz's now... have a great Monday!