Friday, August 22, 2003

sometimes it does not pay to be direct and to-the-point, and to a certain extent, concerned, about anything at all. and that having an opinion is dangerous. oh i forgot, this is Malaysia, where having an idea contradicting the Moral Majority could be an imprisonable offence. aaahh i see where we're all coming from.

hey, if i ruffled your feathers, i do not apologize. i said what i needed to say (jeez it was only an sms) as my opinion. how you take it is how you take it. could have been a useful bit of information, no?, or was it too close for comfort. reality can be painful.

where was i coming from? care and concern i believe. zee, those are 2 words that might escape your comprehension. nothing else, i don't intentionally spite anyone. oh yes i do but only if they piss me off real bad. and, nobody really wants to get me really mad, as in The Hulk (doesnt Jennifer Connely look so blur there? i wonder where i find time to watch movies).

why does it bother me at all?

on a lighter note, i'm going to take some pics of UIA Gombak today, hope the sun's not too hot. the buildings are cun, though (as in most of the city) there is need for more trees. what am i doing there? that's a story for another day...


Monday, August 18, 2003

pms. i got it today. note to self: please eat regularly to ensure decent blood sugar levels.

my buddy Gab here doing battle with the ASTRO customer service. didn't i tell u, the service industry doesn't exist, or companies do not know how to keep their customers happy. malaysians should get jobs that they enjoy doing, and not just out of necessity.

i'm spinning out of control. no, more like a top, which when running out of momentum, wobbles. i'm that wobbly top.

hmm. where to have carlsberg tonight ah?