Thursday, July 15, 2004

so depressing... was watching TV3 Berita Utama and for at least fifteen minutes it was all about murder and deaths. does it have to be that way? bad news sells for sure but there's got to be more than that to this life. please please can we focus on the brighter side of things, like... sunsets and flowers and parks...

was at uncle don. whole area quiet except for Breakers which was packed solid. sigh... the whole area like half-dead. unc don was actually quiet for once.syok.

off i go to spread my message of love and joy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

hi hi i'm back...

whoa! caught that movie Ichii The Killer last nite. gross! but not as gross as ppl put it to be. Can see that Quentin T saw this movie before doing Kill Bill Vol 1. dont blink when u see Ichii or u'll miss some extreme gross thing. however i think my version is an edited one.... sob.

sad to know about the Uncle Don incident. lotsa stories abound but for a fact i know that it was a safe place to have food and drink and some music... until now? all the rowdiness only started after Bar Med opened, in my opinion. the drunkards and Kepong crowd converging and making a fool of themselves, beating each other up, vomiting all over the place...

we malaysians need a huge dose of love and peace, brothers and sisters...