Tuesday, December 09, 2003

a really HOT teh tarik will do wonders. might be catching that lethal flu the papers keep talking about. ouch.
isn't she simply adorable?
if you've watched that movie, 13 Conversations, you might reach the same conclusion as me - the One Thing is actually... nothing. hahahhahahahhh.

OH. after some thought (it's 11.09pm now), i got it. it's about cause-and-effect, the Third Law of Motion, as one of the characters in that movie put it so wryly and with sure dire consequences.

ok lah, it's very much a character-driven movie, lots of talk. plenty to identify with in the characters too, as it explores such human experiences as love, joy, happiness, guilt, pain, betrayal. our every-day stuff lah.

a bit blur now, must be cos of the need for food. or for nocturnal types, brains only come alive after sunset. yup.

Monday, December 08, 2003

check out the FSOL site... it's amazing, with mindblowing music and visuals... but we get the impression that their music ended with the Dead Cities album. hmm. that is a FANTASTIC work of art. an aural masterpiece with its place in an auditory Sistine Chapel. go get it. i'm never letting my copy outta my sight.
do we dream of going to sleep?

damn, blame all these mind-fuck movies - Matrix, Existenz - that sets us all thinking of all this weird shit.

if The Life of Pi any good? and Sophie's World? been hangin' at MPH too much for my own good. too bad everything seems too pricey for my earnings level. *sigh* shall i start a book biz then, heheh, like another friend of mine...

darn, gotta go drive around now, traffic must suck. think i'll postpone to tomorrow. Procrastination 101 For Procrastinators.

taaaa... muah muaahhhhh