Friday, September 19, 2003

humans must be really fed up with life. why do we, day and night, seek to poison our bodies with alcohol, drugs, and disease? and our planet, our home, trashed, raped, pillaged, damaged? we practically shit all over ourselves in our own house, our beloved planet earth, and she's crying out...

why is the human race so given to being the Master of its own Destiny, its own demise?

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

raining cats and dogs so still in this office of mine. airconditioning's off, bloody cheapos. made some green tea so i'll sip til my next appointment with my buddies at the local... yippee!

tuesday already ah?

sounds of thunder outside the building. i'm safe in here, i think. which means i'll be stuck indoors for the night. goodie.

my left knee's screwed. too much running around last nite on the futsal pitch! think my boots not absorbing the impact. or my old injuries still not really healed, which is most probably the case. fallen down right on it at least twice, without checking for any broken bones or joints. aiyah, now have ta tempang a little... hee hee! i'm totally hooked on futsal. and bumped into my buddy Yo there too! everyone's into the act. ladies - here's a cute guy for you - leave a message if interested! heh heh.

feels like a good night for some shisha... cool night, slightly damp, just right for relaxing...