Thursday, March 13, 2003

coming back to the animals.

base instincts we all possess: fear, anger, love, grief, joy.

yeah sure.

i prefer the kitties. and the puppies.


because... humans are evolved.


speaking of evolving, watched 'Evolution', again. hehehe always causes some big laughs, that movie. especially the part where the fire engine is below the alien, and ... hehehe go watch it and laugh your knickers off. and send that pic to me.


there was this article today about the US has made a BIGGER bomb. wow. bigger tonnage, wider blast area, more enemies dead. i'm impressed.

wow. evolution.

now with all that dosh - we could all get free education, right? or free condoms - Make Love Not War, i say. A Satisfied Man is A Happy Man.


it's one of those days
when all we hold true just evolves.
some will say it shatters
but this one not so deep lah.
one of those days
when one goes through with the mouth wide open
amazed at the shit that can happen.
humans never fail to surprise.
i suppose that's why we've evolved over the other animals.
most times.

was watching 'Solaris', the movie with George Clooney. this is a case of director watching '2001: A Space Oddysey' too many times. so strong was the feeling of deja vu, right down to the slowly-spinning space stations and all. i was half-expecting classical music to be playing at that time, together with 60s style dressing...
anyway the woman in it, Natasha McElhone (spelling could be wrong), stated that humans are above the other animals because we're aware of our mortality. yeah whatever.

what was the point of the whole paragraph above, i wonder.

so i come back to the preceeding.
perspectives change oh-so-quickly
the skies don't come crashing down
but the heart surely crumbles.

love and peace starts with one.